所以答案是:i (The reaction of the Inuit community to climate change) Question no. 28: Paragraph CC段 ‘vast, treeless polar desert’, ‘some idea of the hardships’, ‘Farming is out of the question and nature offers meagre pickings’, ‘The environment tested them to the limits’ etc....
Climate Change and the Inuit 环境 Question 1 正确答案:I 解析: 题干关键词:reaction 原文定位:B段倒数第2句”… they believe their best hope of survival in this changing environment lies in…” 解析:changing environment对应题干i选项中的climate change, best hope of survival和lies in后面的内容描述...
雅思阅读理解C6T1P3:气候变化与因纽特人 第27题:段落B中提到“当地人对北极的了解无人能及,因此,他们并不满足于让外界专家告诉他们正在发生什么。他们相信,在这个变化的环境中,他们的生存希望在于将祖先的知识与现代科学的精华相结合。这本身就是一项挑战。”答案是:因纽特人对气候变化的反应(i)第...
While the Inuit may not actually starve if hunting and trapping are curtailed by climate change, there has certainly been an impact on people’s health. Obesity, heart disease and diabetes are beginning to appear in a people for whom these have never before been problems. There has been a c...
剑桥雅思6Test1阅读Passage3答案解析 Climate Change and the Inuit 气候变化与因纽特人 剑桥雅思6阅读第一套题目第三篇文章的14道题由6道段落标题匹配和8道总结型填空组成。两种题型的难度差异极大。前面难到让人怀疑人生,后面则简单到让人无法置信。大家在考试时如果遇到这种情况,一定要记得合理分配时间。甚至可以先...
30E While the Inuit may not actually starve if hunting and trapping are curtailed by climate change, there has certainly been an impact on people's health. Obesity, heart disease and diabetes are beginning to appear in a people for whom these have never before been problems. There has been ...
剑桥真题系列VI中,Test 1 的第三篇文章”Climate Change and the Inuit”对于处在极北地区的因纽特人的艰难的生存状况进行了详细描述,读者所能感受到的忧虑和震撼与电影《后天》如出一辙;无独有偶,剑桥系列V中, Passage 3 / Test 1 “The Truth about the Environment” 也无不显示出对于全球环境的关注,话题...
Climate Change and the Inuit The threat posed by climate change in the Arctic and the problems faced by Canada's Inuit people A Unusual incidents are being reported across the Arctic. Inuit families going off on snowmobiles to prepare their summer hunting camps have found themselves cut off from...
Climate Change and the Inuit 9542021-01 3 Delivering The Goods 10292021-01 4 Australia's Sporting Success 9092021-01 5 The effects of light on plant and animal 10342021-01 6 Flawed Beauty: theproblemwithtoughenedgl 7652021-01 7 The Impact of Widerness Tourism 7702020-12 8 The Return of Arti...