Agricultural programme in Mozambique How the programme was organised ● It focused on a dry and arid region in Chicualacuala district, near the Limpopo River. ● People depended on the forest to provide charcoal as a source of income. ● was seen as the main priority to ensure the su...
对应原文:The community was responsible for creating these fences, but the programme provided the necessarywirefor making them 答案解析:provided原词出现,很容易锁定wire,只要能第一时间反应是哪个单词就好。 第34题答案:seed(s) 对应原文: and the programme provided the necessaryseedsfor this 答案解析:基本...
考满分 ielts C15 - Test 2 - Section4 - Agricultural programme in Mozambique 结束训练 PART A PART B 00:00 00:00 第一段 - 525.0 秒 第1句 - 8.8 秒 第2句 - 5.3 秒 第3句 - 8.4 秒 第4句 - 6.6 秒 第5句 - 14.0 秒 第6句 - 3.7 秒 第7句 - 6.6 秒 第8句 - 5.3 秒 第...
Agricultural programme in Mozambique How the programme was organised ● It focused on a dry and arid region in Chicualacuala district, near the Limpopo River. ● People depended on the forest to provide charcoal as a source of income. ● was seen as the main priority to ensure the supply...