【剑桥雅思听力C18-Test 2-S3解析】雅思考满分为IELTS考生提供剑雅18Test 2Section3答案解析、题干关键词及原文定位。备考练习雅思听力C18-Test 2-S3,上雅思考满分。
IELTS 18 Test4.Section3 1490 2023-10 查看更多 猜你喜欢 955 IELTS by:C花花公主C 4677 IELTS by:Leah_Mars 8161 SpeakMax IELTS by:Joey_The_Monster 2025 IELTS Vocabulary by:阳彻 1614 IELTS Grammar by:阳彻 2352 Official IELTS by:雅思听力 ...
【剑桥雅思听力C18-Test 3-S2解析】雅思考满分为IELTS考生提供剑雅18Test 3Section2答案解析、题干关键词及原文定位。备考练习雅思听力C18-Test 3-S2,上雅思考满分。
查看听力原文 Q21-30 Question 21 - 24 Choose the correct letter A, B or C 21 Why do the students think the Laki eruption of 1783 is so important? a It was the most severe eruption in modern times. b It led to the formal study of volcanoes. cIt had a profound effect on ...
Moving south to the Antarctic — we couldn't run to an ice rink I'm afraid but opted instead for climbing blocks in the shape of mountains. 往南走就能看到南极洲园区——虽然园区内没有溜冰场,但是有一些以山为形状的攀岩场地可供选择—— ...
【雅思听力C18-Test 2-S3模考练习】雅思考满分为IELTS考生提供剑桥雅思听力C18T2L3模考练习。备考练习C18-Test 2-S3,上雅思考满分。
乔治·华盛顿甚至在日记中写道,他们在弗吉尼亚州被雪困住了,直到3月份。 That was before he became president. 那是在他成为总统之前。 ADAM: Yes,and there was ice floating down the Mississippi, which was unprecedented. 亚当:是的,当时有冰沿着密西西比河漂流,这是史无前例的。 MICHELLE: Astonishing, real...
剑桥雅思18Test3Part2听力答案解析 Wild mushrooms 剑桥雅思18听力第三套题目第二部分由2道5选2的多选和6道单选组成。虽然音频语速不快,但说话人发音有些模糊,听起来十分别扭,给我们做题带来额外的困难。下面是具体每道题目的答案解析: 剑桥雅思18Test3Part2听力原文与答案 Wild mushrooms ...
【雅思写作】Official TEST4-TASK2 学习词汇点 更多 available particular collect avoid advice variety complete decline smell competition recommend aware extremely signal conservation wildlife rely apparently consideration consume dull edible mushroom adventurous poisonous 雅思听力雅思阅读雅思写作雅思口语 托福备考...
所属专辑:雅思听力A类真题 猜你喜欢 3.7万 真题听力 by:四级新题型听力带字幕 12.1万 KET真题5听力 by:Kody英语小屋 10.8万 KET真题6听力 by:Kody英语小屋 1471 PET真题5听力 by:华瑞英语 3924 PET真题7听力 by:华瑞英语 1.2万 PET真题8听力 by:华瑞英语 ...