C. inconvenience from parked cars People were very concerned about the lack of visibility on some roads due to cars parked along the sides of the roads 13. According to the speaker, one problem with the new regulations will be B. finding a way to make people follow them But, of course,...
by:雅思听力 1603 IELTS Grammar by:阳彻 2007 IELTS Vocabulary by:阳彻 6069 ielts go by:omar雅思托福 1126 IELTS记忆法 by:Yvonne_Baca 2.5万 Cambridge Official IELTS by:天禄琳琅Michael 1272 Basic IELTS Speaking by:字节空间 5209 考IELTS时更像NativeSpeaker ...
1191 IELTS 19 by:典妈书房11 2013 IELTS Vocabulary by:阳彻 1603 IELTS Grammar by:阳彻 2349 Official IELTS by:雅思听力 6069 ielts go by:omar雅思托福 1126 IELTS记忆法 by:Yvonne_Baca 3.9万 Grammar for IELTS by:滚烫的锤锤 5209 考IELTS时更像NativeSpeaker by:喃喃英语学习分享 ...
【雅思听力】Official -TEST2-S2 Darfield House School 【雅思听力】Official -TEST1-S1 Self-Drive Tours in the USA 【雅思听力】Official TEST1-S4 The Urban Landscape 【雅思阅读】Official -TEST1-P3 What is exploration? 【雅思口语】Official -TEST3-PART2 【雅思口语】Official TEST3-PART1 【...
【雅思听力C13-Test 1-S2模考练习】雅思考满分为IELTS考生提供剑桥雅思听力Traffic Changes in Granford 模考练习。备考练习C13-Test 1-S2,上雅思考满分。
剑桥雅思13 OK, there's one more place you might be interested in. 好的,还有一个地方你可能会感兴趣。 That's got a rather strange name, it's called The Arretsa Centre -- that's spelled A-R-R-E-T-S-A. OK. 名字挺奇怪的,叫做Arretsa中心,A-R-R-E-T-S-A这么拼。好的。
【 雅思听力C13-Test 1-S2模考练习】剑雅13Test 1Section2雅思听力模考示例展示。备考练习雅思听力C13-Test 1-S2,上雅思考满分。
剑桥雅思13 So how long are the rides? 骑行的时间是多久呢? They're about an hour and a half. 大概一个半小时。 So, if you have a job it's easy to fit in before you go to work. 所以,如果你有工作的话,刚好可以在上班之前结束。
推荐阅读:剑桥雅思13听力Test1-4汇总 Good evening everyone. My name's Phil Sutton, and I'm chairman of the Highways Committee. 大家晚上好。我是Phil Sutton,公路委员会的主席。 We've called this meeting to inform members of the public