解析:原文音频: 获取音频失败 Yes, it's almost a hundred pounds cheaper.It's £429per person, which is a good deal. Question 10 正确答案:dinner|DINNER 解析:原文音频: 获取音频失败 They aren't included.But these hotels offerdinnerin the price....
答案解析:雅思听力中,问到什么park时,答案一般就两种,一种是theme park,一种是entertainment park。 第4题答案:tent 对应原文:I don’t like the idea of staying in atent.It’d be too hot. 答案解析:一些同学可能会把前文中的campsite当作答案。虽然从含义上讲也没错,但雅思听力Section1中一般以回答者...
剑桥雅思10Test1听力Section1答案解析 self-drive tours in the USA 剑桥雅思10test 1 Section 1雅思听力原文 TRAVEL AGENT: Good morning.World Tours.My name is Jamie. How can I help you? ANDREA: Good morning. I want some information on self-drive tours in the USA.Could you send me a brochure?
Possible self-drive tours Trip One: · Los Angeles: customer wants to visit some3parks with her children · Yosemite Park: customer wants to stay in a lodge, not a4 Trip Two: · Customer wants to see the5on the way to Cambria · At Santa Monica: not interested in shopping · At San...
Listening Section 1, Questions 1-10 1.24 ___Road 答案:Ardleigh 题干翻译:___ 路24号 解题思路:根据标题,预判答案为具体地址。本题定位词为表格中address和24以及road,注意听定位词及其同义表达以及地址相关表达。 答案原文: TRAVEL AGENT: Thank you. And your address?
「新东方雅思官方网校」为您提供剑10 Test 1 Section 2 Q13-20答案及解析,解读雅思听力练习和提分技巧,更多雅思IELTS考试报名咨讯,请及时关注新东方在线雅思频道更新。
剑桥雅思10test1听力音频,剑桥雅思10听力test1section1原文答案解析+ 文本精讲【】 听力是雅思里的第二部分,由剑桥大学考级的考官paul老师所编写。他是雅思考官,其中的第一部分是来自英国剑桥大学考试委员会的主管,他是一名英语为母语的学习者,剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部主管。雅思考试分为听、说(listening)、阅读(...
Tip:单击查看句义;划选/双击查生词 On behalf of LP Clubs, I'd like to welcome you all here today. My name's Sandy Fisher and I’m one of the fitness managers here. Before we start our tour of the club I’ll just run through some basic information about the facilities we have here...
1.剑桥雅思听力10test1s4原题 剑桥雅思听力10test1s4原题,剑14test1雅思听力原文+ 题目+ 答案section1一共4-15题,每题10题,难度相当于中国雅思考生的平均分。听力要想提高,首要任务就是要把题库做完,在section1、3中把原题重新放一遍,把题干中关键词圈出来,并记录在原文中的词,同时要记录下这个点,同时把题...