剑桥雅思6 test 1 section 1听力原文与答案 notes on sports club 剑桥雅思6 test 1 section 2听力原文与答案 rivenden city theater 剑桥雅思6 test 1 section 3听力原文与答案 剑桥雅思6 test 1 section 4听力原文与答案 social history of the East End of London 剑桥雅思6 test 2 Section 4听力原文与答...
Questions1-4Completethe notesbelow: Write NOMORE TIM N THREE WORDSforeach answer. Noteson sports club ExampleAnswer Name of club:King well Facilities available:Golf 1___ 2___ Classes available:Kick-boxing .3___ Additional facility: 4 (restaurant opening soon) Questions 5-8complete the table ...
剑桥雅思听力材料_6_手打_可打印 Text1:Section: 1 1-4 complete, no more than three words
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. South City Cycling Club Example Name of club secretary: JimHunter Membership · Full membership costs $260; this covers cycling and1___ all over Australia · Recreational membership costs $108 · Cost of membership inc...
,. ,. Test6-1 SECTION6-1-1 Questions 1-10 Questions 1-4 Completethe notes below: Write NOMORE TIM N THREE WORDSfor each answer. Notes on sports club ExampleAnswer Name of club:King well Facilities available: Golf 1 2 Classes available: Kick-boxing .3 Additional facility: 4 (restaurant...
JIM: Sometimes, but not always. But you don’t really need one; the group members on the ride support one another, anyway. WOMAN: How would we know where to go? JIM: If you check the club website, you’ll see that the route (Q9) for each ride is clearly marked. So you can ju...
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1.Section1.Youwillhearawomantalkingtoamanaboutjoiningadramaclub.First youhavesometimetolookatquestions1to6.[Pausetherecordingfor30 seconds.]Youwillseethatthereisanexamplethathasbeendoneforyou.Onthis occasiononly,theconversationrelatingtothiswillbeplayedfirst.Man:Hello.Robert ...
Social problems社会问题 Homesick想家 Lonely孤独 Academic problems学习问题 Cannot meet the deadline不能在最终期限内完成任务 Manage time better合理管理时间 give/deliver a speech作演讲distant deadline离最终期限还有段时间 letter of recommendation推举信(一般教授或导师出示用于申请学校) take notes记笔记note-tak...
Social problems社会问题 Homesick想家 Lonely孤独 Academic problems学习问题 Cannot meet the deadline不能在最后期限内完成任务 Manage time better合理管理时间 give/deliver a speech作演讲distant deadline离最后期限还有段时间 letter of recommendation推荐信(一般教授或导师出示用于申请学校) take notes记笔记note-tak...