Part 1 Boring things 1. What kinds of things would make you feelbored?Boring things 听示范音频请戳下面链接 Boring
雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Boring things 无聊的事情 每个人的经历、爱好和专业不同,感到无聊的事情也不同。有些人不喜欢一个人待着,而有些人则不喜欢跟许多人在一起。相同的是,在我们觉得无聊的时候,都会想着做些什么来摆脱这种状态,比如听音乐、看电影、打球、逛街或者玩游戏。 What kinds of things are bo...
1 What kinds of things are boring to you? I’m the kind of person whose patience cannot be stretched out for long(耐心不能坚持很久). So things such as queuing(排队), listening to long presentations without any interaction with audiences ar...
Normally, I will try to do something different to wind me down first. During the period of relaxing, I may also gossip with my friends about those annoying things. And if they are not that necessary or important, I won't continue. ...
专栏/【雅思口语】无聊英语独家|口语素材:boring things活动【雅思口语】无聊英语独家|口语素材:boring things 2022年11月28日 12:1843浏览· 0点赞· 0评论 无聊英语官方 粉丝:266文章:170 关注本文为我原创 雅思口语 雅思托福 雅思网课 雅思题库 无聊英语 雅思口语课 雅思口语一对一 无聊英语小红盒 ...
Boring things 1. Are you a person who will often feel boring? 2. What kinds of things are boring to you? 3. What will you do when you feel bored? 4. What was the most boring thing you did when you were young? 5. Do you think school is boring? 【申友雅思原创高分答案】 1. Not...
2. What kinds of things would make you feel bored? When I feel bored it’s usually when I’m commuting and stuck in traffic. I find travelling by car quite frustrating in the big city, and it really affects my mood when there are big traffic jams. So, getting stuck in traffic or ...
Actually there are not many things that can make me feel bored. I think on the top of the list is playing computer games . I neverwork outwhich button to press, so when I play games, I would spend most of the time staring at theconsoletrying tofigure outwhich button is for what and...
What things do you find boring? Chores are really boring when you have to iron clothes or when you have to clean the house. I hate doing that, and I always try to optimise the way I do the tasks, so they are easier and faster I don’t spend much time doing it. Since I live ...