2025年1-4月雅思口语题库来了 2025年1-4月雅思口语换题季,到目前为止,小博收集到新题13道,保留题41道,一起来看看吧~ 雅思口语本季新题 Part 1 新题 ➤Color What's your favorite color? Why do you like it? Do you think colors can affect your...
2025年1-4月雅思口语题库汇总 part 1题目汇总 题目 答案 题目 答案 Study or work答案 Hometown答案 Accommodation答案The area you live in答案 Feeling bored 答案Old buildings 答案 Lost and found 答案Mobile phones 答案 Emails 答案Evening time 答案 ...
雅思全科名师领学班,即将开课 免费领取 下面来看看part 1最高频次的3个话题:helping others(考频1190),friends(考频1029),the city you live in(考频1029) Paul老师每周都会根据华东、东北、华南、中南、华中、西南6大考区的近4-6场考试情况,整理分考区高频话题list,大家可以对照12月完整版口语题库(内含新题...
2024年雅思口语1-4月份题库 Part1 本季新题: 1. Memory Are you good at memorizing things? Have you ever forgotten something important? What do you need to remember in your daily life? How do you remember important things? 2. Celebrities Who is your favourite celebrity in your country? What...
预祝大家与雅思分手成功! 各位考鸭可直接前往文末 免费领取哦! 目前更新的题库版本,整理到的题卡Part1共14道新题和16道必考保留题,Part 2&3 共有28道新题和25道保留题目,具体内容如下: 14道Part 1新题 1. Celebrities 2. Money 3. Singing
2024年1-4月雅思口语新题库+高分答案【完整版】已释出! 本季雅思口语新题库,确定新增:P1部分:18道新题;P2&P3部分:31道新题。 (后续可能还会有零星题目补充,我们也会第一时间更新!) 考鸭们一键三连、速来领取! 一定要在雅思考试前,全盘准备每道雅思口语新题,才能在雅思口语考场上做到成竹在胸。这份雅思...
雅思屠鸭哥:口语新题更新至39道!2024年1-4月雅思口语新题有这些!6 赞同 · 13 评论文章 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 欢迎关注哥的专栏:雅思屠鸭哥 海量备考干货,最新官方资讯,学霸吐血经验分享,举策之力帮你解决雅思疑难杂症! 【雅思备考资料】 【雅思口语考前必看...
or writing?2.Who are more likely to make complaints, old people or young people?除了1-4月雅思口语新题以外,我们的教研老师也给大家提供了新题的参考答案~由于篇幅有限,想要查看完整版《2023年1-4月雅思口语题库+新题参考答案》的同学,赶紧来关注我们百家号,并在百家号后台回复“题库”免费领取吧!
1-4月雅思口语part1答案 1.staying up Do you often stay up late? Did you stay up late when you were a kid? What do you do when you stay up late? What does it feel like the next morning if you stay up late? 参考答案: 1.Do you often stay up late? Yes, these...
Part 1 确认新题: Sunglasses 1. Do you often wear sunglasses? 2. Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses? 3. Do you give sunglasses as a gift? 4. Why do you wear sunglasses? Social Media 1. When did you start using social media?