1.What work do you do? I am working as a teacher in XXX high school/ training organization right now. Usually I would teach English courses four days a week. Correcting my students' homework and other assignments is an essentially important part of my job. I would also spend time taking ...
Part 1必必考考话话题题studies/Work part 1 有三大必考话题 : work/ studies, hometown, accommodation 。 当询问 work或 studies 时 , 可能会遇到以下几个问题, 下面分别做详细解析 。◎ Do YouWork or are you a student?你工作了还是你是学生?不能直接用yes/ No 来回答, 而应该试着展开来说 ...
getting my business attire on and sitting behind my office desk. I wonder how it feels to work with other professionals and with the boss always around… It could be stressful but interesting, I guess. The best part I would say would be to finally receive...
Work or studies 1. What work do you do? I am working as a teacher in XXX high school/ training organization right now. Usually I would teach English courses four days a week. Correcting my students' homework and other assignments is an essentially important part of my job. I woul...
2023年9-12月雅思口语Part1题库及答案-WORK OR STUDIES 工作或学习 1. What subjects are you studying? 2. Do you like your subject? 3. Why did you choose to study that subject? 4. Is it very interesting? 5. Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?
Having team work spirit is of paramount importance in(具有至关重要的作用) cooperating with your colleagues. In the age of information explosion(信息爆炸的时代), no work can be finished successfully without this quality. 6:Which matters to you more, the job itself or the people you work with...
Part 1 Work or Study 1. Where do you work? 2. What kind of job do you do? 3. What have you learned from your job? 4. What do you major in? 5. Are you happy with the subject you are studying in? 6. What have ...
Describe something you do to help you study or work You should say: What it is How you learn it When you do it And how you feel about the method 3分钟学雅思 第十一季 Episode 15 本期节目话题参考文本 作者:Ste...
Work or studies 1. Are you working or studying? / Do you work or are you a student? I am a student at the moment. I am studying English on a full-time basis at a Language School here in Shenyang. We have classes in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings. Wednesday afternoons we ar...