2022年9-12月雅思完整版口语题库 ◆Topic Pool——Part One(2022.09-12)注:红色为必备话题;蓝色为本季新题;黑色为保留旧题。Study 1.Do you work or are you a student?2.What subject are you studying?3.Why did you choose that subject?4.What would you like to do in the future?5.What ...
2022年9-12月雅思口语题库-无水印可直接打印版 2022 雅思口语part1:1. Work or study ⚫What technology do you use when you study?⚫What technology do yo use at work?⚫What work do you do?⚫Do you like your job? Is it very interesting?⚫Why did you choose to do that type of ...
✅ Part 1部分:包括超高频话题3个,基本属于必考题了;本季度的新增确定话题14个;上季度的保留话题20个。 ✅ Part 2&3部分:新增话题25个,上季度的保留话题62个。 另外,和题库配套的题库参考答案,我们也整理咯!快来找烤鸭君领吧! 点...
重磅!新东方在线的雅思教研老师历经近半个月的整理,终于将2022年9-12月雅思口语题库完整版发布出来啦!!该题库已经包含了本季度出现的新题以及上季度保留下来的题目,大家可以不用再去找5-8月的题库了哦~ 另外,与题库一起出炉的,还有我们教研老师为大家提供的新题参考答案! 总体来看,本季度出现的新题很多都是...
完整版题库只需要后台回复“题库 ”领取! 剩余22年9-12月口语题库一览 领取剩下新题的步骤,烤鸭君也给大家展示一下:只要点击关注我们“北京新东方雅思”的公众号👇 并在公众号后台的对话框中回复关键词“题库”,就可以直接领取啦!! 还没有领取的...
12.Technology 1 )What technology do you often use, computers or mobile phones? 2 ) What electronic devices have you bought lately? 3 )Are there any technology you want to buy? 4 )What's the benefit of technology? 更多雅思口语题库,已经整理了Word文档,需要的给我留言哈~ ...
●9-12月 雅思口语话题新题库封面 ●9-12月 雅思口语话题新题库目录(不完全展示)本次新题库主要覆盖part1/part2/part3这三个部分的内容,如果这三个版块能力稍弱的同学,那么非常适合领取这份资料 ●9-12月 雅思口语话题新题库内容(不完全展示)如果您需要这份2022年9-12月雅思口语新题库资料,可以私信航...
本次题库一共有145页PDF,包含Part1-3的新题和保留题,新题有13道part 1,25道part2&3。 part1:新题13道+保留题14道+常驻题4道 part2:&3:新题25道+保留题22道 本期跟各位分享的是~~ 完整版9-12月雅思口语题库(新题、保留题)+雅思官方BC合作机构老师原创高分答案示例 ...
1、PART 1新题部分Films/Movies1.Do you often watch films/movies?2. Did you ofen watch films/movies when you were a kid?3. Are there any differences between the films/movies you watched now and the ones you watched when you were a child?4. Do you prefer watching films/movies alone or...
2022年9-12月雅思口语题库 - V4.0.pdf,2022年9-12月雅思口语题库 By MaxTao 目录 Part 15 旧题:5 Study5 Accommodation6 Hometown6 Eveningtime7 Books Reading habits7 Sittingdown8 Collectingthings8 ld buildings9 Computer9 Talent9 Watch10 Meeting place10 Boring10