2024年9-12月雅思口语part1新题 1.Bike 单车 1.How often do you ride a bike? 2.Do you have a bike now? 3.Did you have a bike when you were young? 4.Would you cycle more in the future? 2.Streets and roads 街道 1.Are the streets o...
大家可以对照1-4月雅思口语题库中的问题和答案素材优先进行准备,另外里面还特地一对一录制了外教录音,帮助大家纠正发音问题,以及辅助学习native的语音语调。点击链接,联系小助手,即可免费领取以上所有资料,无套路直接分享~ 下面展示的是part1的一部分内容: 为了方便大家备考,我们对新题和旧题做了区分。 这里展示的就...
主讲雅思口语。口语8分,总分8分;持有TKT和CELTA证书、英语专业八级证书、CATTI二级笔译证书、BEC高级证书和上海高级口译证书 。 苗原源 主讲雅思口语。口语7.5分,总分7.5分;伦敦大学学院教育学硕士;持TKT证书、CELTA证书、北京新东方“星师杯”金牌...
2024 口语 注意:部分问题 1。Basic Information what is your full name? what can I call you? what is your ID number? Characteristics: Authentic, Showy(Good Custom, Tense excellence, Vocabulary,Communication Skills,idiom) 2.Working or Studying Are you working or studying? What do you usually do...
2024年雅思口语又到了9月口语换题季啦,相信烤鸭们肯定很想知道雅思口语都考哪些题,今天新东方在线小编就给大家整理了2024年9月5日更新的雅思口语新题题库,希望能给你的雅思口语备考提供帮助,赶紧来先睹为快吧。 2024年9月雅思口语新题题库(9月5日更) ...
雅思口语考试2024第一轮换题已经开始! Paul老师整理根据最新的考试情况,已经整理出了最新的【完整版24年1-4月新题+保留题】 ✅P1部分16道新题+15道保留题目 ✅Part2/3部分21道新题+24道保留题目 除了题目,另外…
雅思口语话题题库篇一 饮食习惯变化:how are the eating habits now in your country different from eating habits in the past? 休闲方式变化:are the types of leisure activities that are popular today the same as those that were popular when your parents were young? 购物习惯变化:how have shopping ...
2024雅思口语题库及答案(完整版) 口语test:提成三个部分,下面按照顺序发part1 注意:部分问题也许在part3中被问到 1。BasicInformation whatisyourfullname? whatcanIcallyou? whatisyourIDnumber? Characteristics:Authentic,Showy(GoodCustom, Tenseexcellence,Vocabulary,Communication Skills,idiom) 2.WorkingorStudying ...
完整版可领✅2024年雅思口语最新题库。大家好,我是前雅思考官Paul老师🧐2024年的第一个换题季就要到来了,准备在明年1-4月考试的同学们,可以开始预习起来了! - 目前教研组第一时间根据当下考试情况,整理出了:✴️【24年1-4月 - 前考官Paul雅思课堂于20231230
雅思2024口语题库 雅思口语必考话题 Work or study What subjects are you studying? Do you like your subject? Why did you choose to study that subject? Do you want to change your major? Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons? How much time do you spend on your ...