雅思口语话题题库篇一 饮食习惯变化:how are the eating habits now in your country different from eating habits in the past? 休闲方式变化:are the types of leisure activities that are popular today the same as those that were popular when your parents were young? 购物习惯变化:how have shopping ...
雅思口语Part 1的评分标准相对较低,主要是为了鼓励考生开口说话,建立自信。考官会通过考生的回答来评估其语言流利度、词汇使用和语法准确性。 此外,考官通常会通过考生在Part 1的表现来预测其在整个口语考试中的表现范围,例如4.5分到...
雅思口语话题 话题:一个快乐的人 Tell me about a happy person。 You should say: who they are where they live what makes them so happy and explain whether others have a similar opinion of this person. 1.My friend Che...
对于雅思口语来说,每年的1月、5月和9月是题库更新的月份,因此,这几个月考试的考生需要对考试题目的更新进行重点关注。 除了关注新题,Part 1当中的Study&Work, Home&Accommodation和Hometown属于不会发生变化的必考题型!此类题型需要考生准备充分;而Part 2在出题时最注重事件类题目的考查,人物类和物品类次之,地点类...
百度题库 试卷 摘要 正文 雅思口语考试话题(55 个) 最新雅思口语考试话题(55 个) 1 恶劣的天气 weather 2 最喜爱的书 book 3 喜爱的餐馆 restaurant 4 城市进展 development of city 5 青年文化 culture 6 时尚 fashion 7 难忘的事 an thing which is not easy forget 8 观赏的名人 people who is famou...
忙碌的9月,既是开学季,也是雅思口语换题季,每当这个时候,烤鸭们都会焦虑担心,雅思口语题库作为烤鸭们,备战口语时必不可少的参考资料,你拥有了吗?没拿到的没关系,北雅已经为大家准备好啦~Part 1 1. Tea and coffee (new)Do people like tea and coffee nowadays?Do you prefer to use tea or coffee...
雅思口语话题题库雅思口语话题题库 多听一听读一读雅思口语的一些话题对于我们考口语是很有帮助的!下面是小编为大家收集的关于雅思口语话题题库,欢迎大家阅读借鉴! 1.describeyourfavoriteanimal 2.describerelaxationmethod 3.describemunicationmethod 4.describealjobyouareinterestedin 5.describestholdinyourfamily 可以...
雅思口语Part 1话题:Changes 雅思口语Part1话题:Changes示范音频 1.Have you changed a lot since your childhood? Definitely. I look totally different right now. And as I grow up, I develop new interests like photography and travel. Back then I was just a little girl crying for not having a ...
雅思口语话题题库 1.Basic Information what is your full name? what can I call you? what is your ID number? Characteristics: Authentic, Showy(Good Custom, Tense excellence, Vocabulary, Communication Skills, idiom) 2. Working or Studying Are you working or studying? What do you usually do?(...
雅思口语话题题库天气 1. What’s the weather like in your hometown 2. Do you like the weather in your city 3. How do you usually dress when the weather is hot 4. How do you usually dress when the weather is cold 5. What do you usually do when it rains 6. Do you think the ...