táo shù。陶澍(shù)(1779年—1839年),字子霖,一字子云,号云汀、髯樵,湖南安化人,清代经世派主要代表人物、湖湘经世派第一人、道光朝重臣。清嘉庆七年(1802年)进士,授庶吉士,任翰林编修,后升御史,曾先后调任山西、四川、福建、安徽等省布政使和巡抚。道光十年(1830年),任两江总督...
陶澍论 4) the collected works of Tao Shu 《陶澍全集》 5) On Tao shu Reform 论陶澍改革 6) Repeatedly Appraising Tao Shu s Theory on Salt 再评陶澍理盐补充资料:黎澍(1912~1988) 中国历史学家。湖南醴陵人。1912年2月7日生。曾就读于北平大学法商学院商学系。1936年加入中国共产党。1937年"七...
请问:陶澍 澍的读音? 收藏回复 218.18.9.* 谢谢 回复 1楼2009-02-18 15:40 218.18.9.* 谢谢阿! 回复 3楼2009-02-18 22:01 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示...
陶澍 1. Taoshus Thought and Policies Towards Valuing Commerce in the Reform; 论陶澍改革的重商思想和政策 2. Taoshuonce studied with his father-Tao Biquan,at the Yuelu Academy of Classical Learning during his childhood. 陶澍幼年随父在岳麓书院读书,深受岳麓文化的影响,但不是岳麓书院的学生。
2) Tao shu 陶澍 1. Historic Figures: Tao Shu and Deng Xianhe; “我居石潭上,君居临小洋”——陶澍与邓显鹤 2. Talk about Four Punishments Received by Tao Shu; 关于陶澍所受的四次处分 更多例句>> 3) Taoshu 陶澍 1. Taoshu s Thought and Policies Towards Valuing Commerce in the ...
2) On Tao shu Reform 论陶澍改革3) Tao shu 陶澍 1. Historic Figures: Tao Shu and Deng Xianhe; “我居石潭上,君居临小洋”——陶澍与邓显鹤 2. Talk about Four Punishments Received by Tao Shu; 关于陶澍所受的四次处分 更多例句>> ...
陶澍 1. Taoshu s Thought and Policies Towards Valuing Commerce in the Reform; 论陶澍改革的重商思想和政策 2. Taoshu once studied with his father-Tao Biquan,at the Yuelu Academy of Classical Learning during his childhood. 陶澍幼年随父在岳麓书院读书,深受岳麓文化的影响,但不是岳麓书院的学生。
陶澍 1. Taoshu s Thought and Policies Towards Valuing Commerce in the Reform; 论陶澍改革的重商思想和政策 2. Taoshu once studied with his father-Tao Biquan,at the Yuelu Academy of Classical Learning during his childhood. 陶澍幼年随父在岳麓书院读书,深受岳麓文化的影响,但不是岳麓书院的学生。