The specified account does not exist. Please check your account. 指定账号不存在,请检查账号是否正确。 403 Forbidden.AccountInDebt The specified account is in debt. Please check your permission. 指定账号已欠费,请检查账号的权限。 403 Forbidden.ServiceRole Cannot access specified service role. Please ...
The user specified as a definer (‘wbosp’@’%’) does not exist 原因:原库中有一个自定义函数。创建者用户是原用户,而不是新库对应的用户。 将函数的创建者 修改为当前用户就OK了。 出现此类问题的原因 就是(视图、函数、存储过等)创建者与使用者不是同一个用户文章...
简介: ERROR 1449 (HY000): The user specified as a definer (‘mysql.infoschema‘@‘localhost‘) does not exist mysql好好的结果突然查库查表不行 > show databases; ERROR 1449 (HY000): The user specified as a definer ('mysql.infoschema'@'localhost') does not exist 试了许多办法之后下面一种...
The specified parameter \”%s\” is not valid状态无效诊断 400 InvalidParameter.JobNotFound The job is not found.作业不存在诊断 InvalidParameter.JsonArrayFormatInvalid The parameter \”%s\” does not conform to the JSON Array specification参数不是有效的json Array字符串诊断 ...
All AttrKeys and corresponding AttrValues are specified in Definition of the ambiguous border Figure 4. Demonstration of the ambiguous border Ambiguity occurs in the above example figure. In particular, the sleeve length is in between “long sleeve” and “extra-long sleeve”, but th...
400 OperationDenied.RequestRegionInvalid The operation is not allowed because the request is not invoked in the region of the IPAM pool.操作被拒绝,因为未在地址池所在地域调用请求。400 IllegalParam.Cidr The specified CIDR ... UpdateAuthorizationRuleAttribute-更新授权规则信息 400 OperationDenied.NoParam...
本实验将带大家体验,如何将XXL-JOB零改造迁移到Serverless Job。 删除实例时出现 {"requestUrl":"/data/api.json?action=DeleteJob","product":"serverless","message":"The specified AppId does not exist.","method":"get","params":{"AppId":"2122befa-730d-429f-84db-8b3400242d73","Accept-...
Dumping the cache is the same as the eviction of a cache item as before, but this time all cache items older then the time specified in the command are evicted. 3.6 Removal of global cache locks With functionality in place to manage parallel hash lookups, LRU ordering, and parallel cache ...
简介:在使用Oracel Datapump API时碰到ORA-31623(a job is not attached to this session via the specified handle)错误,从故障描述来看提示 job并没有成功附加到当前session指定的handle。 在使用Oracel Datapump API时碰到ORA-31623(a job is not attached to this session via the specified handle)错误,从故障...
The rowid of a row specifies the data file and data block containing the row and the location of the row in that block. Locating a row by specifying its rowid is the fastest way to retrieve a single row, because the exact location of the row in the database is specified. ...