transom lifter 气窗挺销 transom flap 艉均衡翼板 body transom 底架横梁 stay transom 拉条横梁 相似单词 transom n. 横档,横楣,横梁 翻译推荐 内镶玻璃 inside 镶色玻璃 casing 无镶玻璃的 unglazed 镶玻璃条 glazing 镶玻璃;上釉 glazing 镶玻璃气窗 transom 嵌镶玻璃 mosaic 镶双层玻璃 ...
镶玻璃气窗2) set the glass in the window 给窗子镶上玻璃3) leaded glass (铅条镶嵌的)窗玻璃4) Saxon,slab 撒克逊玻璃板(即诺曼玻璃板块,供嵌镶玻璃窗用)5) incrustation glass 镶嵌玻璃 1. In view of incrustation glass quality control a comprehensive program for quality control was put ...