Men's souls will be shaken with the violences of war.For these men are lately drawn from the ways of peace. They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate. They fight to let justice arise, and tolerance and goodwill among all Thy people....
that topic is not worth going into at this point as it is still very much WiP. So with that I will conclude the first overview of the peace conference rework. We look forward to your feedback, hot takes, and
that topic is not worth going into at this point as it is still very much WiP. So with that I will conclude the first overview of the peace conference rework. We look forward to your feedback, hot takes, and
TNO开发日志#7-..Dev Diary VII: Götterdämmerung开发日志7-诸神黄昏本篇日志由凯撒汉化组联合完成汉化。@盲目痴愚之徒和@ 达瓦里希σ(均为QQ昵称)完成了大部分工作,向他们奉上由衷的敬意!感谢@
牧游社 牧有汉化翻译 War Effort - Operation Cockpit [1.12.12 OPEN BETA] PDXKatten, Community Manager Hello there Generals! 将军们好! We have begun the final preparations for Operation Cockpit! Below you will find a set of patch notes that are now live on an open beta branch. Feel free to...
牧游社牧有汉化翻译 Heat of Iron 4Developer Diary | Peace Conference Roundup YaBoy_Bobby, Game Designer - HoI4 Hello all! 大家吼啊! I join you to once again talk about peace conferences. This time we have more info on our changes and features that I was not able to go into last time....
牧游社牧有汉化翻译 Heat of Iron 4Developer Diary | Peace Conference Roundup YaBoy_Bobby, Game Designer - HoI4 Hello all! 大家吼啊! I join you to once again talk about peace conferences. This time we have more info on our changes and features that I was not able to go into last time....
- Fixed the Portuguese Great War tank not appearing in the tech tree without NSB. - 修复了缺少“绝不后退”dlc时,葡萄牙科技树不显示一战坦克的问题。 - Re-introduced many tank icons for most countries that were screwed by No Step Back. Tank icons in the non-NSB generic tree will now appear...
- Make defensive warfare more fun- 让防御性战争更有趣- Adding mechanics to limit the size of your standing army, particularly post-war etc- 增加限制常备军规模机制,特别是战后- Have doctrines more strongly affect division designing- 让学说对师编制设计的影响更强烈- Strategic and tactical AI ...
- Fixed border war effect not creating events in some cases if it fails- 修复了边界战争效果在有些情况下无法创建事件的问题。- Triumph in Africa is now bypassed if Italy is at peace with Ethiopia- 如果意大利与埃塞俄比亚处于和平,那么“非洲的胜利”现在就将被跳过。- Italy will now bypass Italy...