12 Support Companies 50 Construction Slots 将领等级上限 将领特质槽位 俘获战败国将领 1.13.*女子士官学院将领包 本人推荐理由:趣味十足,这个是一个相对而言挺稳的模组组合
测试一下naval ..测试一下naval rework mod ii cn 这个mod和哪些不兼容和 50construction slots , naval name CN , more division locns , ww+ map continued , coloured buttons , 52汉化兼容和paint the guns _naval reskin兼容 然后naval name cn的船名虽然不影响这个mo
add_building_construction = { type = industrial_complex level = 2 instant_build = yes } } } option = { name = "factory_12_10_8" #12 slots every_owned_state = { limit = { is_core_of = THIS free_building_slots = { building = arms_factory size > 11 } } add_building_constructio...
add_building_construction = { type = dockyard level = 16 instant_build = yes } } } option = { name = "dockyard_12_10_8_6" #12 slots every_owned_state = { limit = { is_core_of = THIS free_building_slots = { building = dockyard ...
下个加建筑槽的mod,比如50 construction slots或者大力丸,种田党的福音 来自Android客户端8楼2020-01-31 13:52 收起回复 为美好的世界而战 北方灯塔 11 修基建 来自Android客户端9楼2020-06-27 19:16 收起回复 吃瓜大师傅 风云聚变 1 9 来自手机贴吧10楼2022-03-02 10:56 回复 ...
其实也就是对新手玩家有用 简单介绍 special_projects = {#这根是决议的目录,我是放特殊决议里了,去特殊决议栏找 special_projects = {#这个是决议的名称,偷懒直接用上面标题,这样就省了自己汉化了! icon = generic_construction allowed = { original_tag = PRC #这个是允许使用的国家,改成你所玩的国家的...
| add_building_construction || Starts a building construction within a state or a province || 18 = { add_building_construction = { type = bunker province = 5291 level = 2 instant_build = yes } } |-#添加建筑 | dismantle_faction || Dismantles the faction led by the current country |...
add_extra_state_shared_building_slots = 2 add_building_construction = { type = shipyard_capital_building level = 1 instant_build = yes } add_building_construction = { type = shipyard level = 1 instant_build = yes 添加两个建筑位
add_building_construction = { type = dockyard level = 16 instant_build = yes } } } option = { name = "dockyard_12_10_8_6" #12 slots every_owned_state = { limit = { is_core_of = THIS free_building_slots = { building = dockyard ...