4. 下图说明对两个不同来源序列执行的两个不同数量词作业。 0 0 词语:数量词 拼音:shù/shǔ/shuò liáng/liàng cí 意思:1.数词和量词连用时的并称。如:"三本书"的"三本"﹑"去一次"的"一次"等。 栏目介绍:造句大全为您找到4条关于数量词造句,数量词例句,用数量词写一句话,用数量词造句子,数量词...
1)quantifier"ge"量词"个" 2)individual measure word个体量词 1.The generating mechanism and motivation of individual measure word in Chines language;汉语个体量词产生的机制与动因 2.This article inquires the emerging,developing and maturing of the Chinese individual measure word and the reasons of its ...
1.Analyse of Chinese Measure Word "Zhong", "Lei", "Yang";汉语量词“种、类、样”探析 2.A great number of compound measure words are being used in modern Chinese.现代汉语中,有为数众多的量词组合形式,本文从以下两个方面进行讨论:第一,量词复合形式的种类,分别从不同的角度进行了分类;第二,量词复...
1)noun classifier名量词 1.There are plenty of common characteristics in noun classifiers of Sino-Tibetan languages.汉藏语名量词存在着大量的共性特征。 2.This thesis studies noun classifiers of Sino-Tibetan languages.本文主要根据类型学理论和历史比较语言学理论,通过汉藏语各语言名量词的比较,疏理汉藏语名...
1)measure words表量词 1.Cntrastive study on semiotics of measure words between Chinese and English;汉英表量词的符号学对比研究 2.Chinese and English belong to different language systems,and their differences are also reflected in measure words.在表量词上,汉语中有量词一类词而英语中则没有,英语中表...
1)general classifier通用量词 1.The general classifier should be a important criterion in categorizing Chinese dialects.通用量词是一个重要的汉语方言分类的指标。 2)general verb quantifier通用动量词 3)sub-general verb quantifier次通用动量词 4)ungeneral verb quantifier非通用动量词 5)open domain lexicon通...
1)verb-measure word动量词 1.From the distributive features of numeral-measure patterns formed byverb-measure words and numerals, the author believes that they are not isolated but that they form a system on two semantic features of [+object] and [+time].本文通过动量词与数词构成的数量结构的语...
1)universal quantifier全称量词 1.Taking three relations for example, applyin some relevant theories to discrete mathematics, this article converses the query of the universal quantifier problem into the query of equivalent existential quantifier, then to achieve it in SQL.以三个关系为例,应用离散数学...
1.There is rich and colourful in the form of classifier reduplication in the East Hubei(湖北) dialects.鄂东方言的量词重叠形式颇具特色,有"AA"形式、"一AA儿的"形式、"A数A儿的"形式。 英文短句/例句 1.The Overlapping Pattern of "Classifiers+ 哒 Da+Classifiers" in Shiqi Dialect of Hunan;湘南石...
1.This paper stresses Chinese name classifier research analzes foreign Chinese classifier teaching difficulty and the method,provides some help to the teaching Chinese as a foreign language.本文侧重从汉语量词的特点入手,分析对外汉语量词教学的难点和方法,以期为对外汉语教学提供一些帮助。 英文短句/例句 1....