酸辣土豆丝做法英文To make Sour and Spicy Potato Shreds,you need to follow a series of steps for preparation, cooking, and seasoning. Here's a detailed guide: Overview of the Recipe This recipe involves cleaning, cutting, and cooking potatoes with a special seasoni...
酸辣土豆丝的做法 英文Spicy and sour shredded potatoes are a simple and easy-to-make home-cooked dish, loved by many for its crispy texture and tangy flavor. Here are the steps to make it: **Ingredients:** - 2 potatoes - 1 red pepper - A handful of small chili peppers (adjust ...
酸辣土豆丝的做法 Hot and sour potato silk practices 1.土豆洗净去皮,青椒洗净去蒂 1 washed peeled potatoes, green peppers washed to the pedicle 2.将土豆切成细丝,并放入冷水中浸泡并洗净淀粉备用,青椒切成丝备用 2 The Potatoes cut into filaments, and immersed into cold water and wash ...
准备材料。To cut the potatoes into neat big chip, this is the point of wire cut into uniform.将土豆切成整齐的大薄片,这是切出均匀的丝的要点。Chips then cut into filaments.再将土豆片切成细丝。With water will cut the potatoes to starch.用清水将切好的土豆丝泡去淀。Will spring o...
如何酸辣土豆丝英语作文 Hot and sour shredded potato is a dish that Chinese people like to eat,so how to make it?Let me teach you.Peel the potatoes,first cut two knives to find a plane on the chopping board,cut even slices..Change the knife to cut the filament.Put it into the water...
1、Peel, shred and soak potatoes in water to remove starch. Remove and drain before frying 将土豆削皮,切细丝,泡在水中洗去淀粉。炒前捞出,沥干水分。2、Remove the seeds and roots of green and red peppers,cut into thin shreds, and cut into dry shreds 青、红辣椒去籽、蒂,...
调料:食盐适量,酱油1勺,醋3勺,鸡精适量,葱少许,花椒少许,干辣椒8个,香油少许 口味:酸辣味 准备时间:5分钟 人数:2人份 烹饪时间:10分钟 做法:1、土豆洗净,先在底部切一刀,修理平整后,平放在菜板上,先切成片,后切丝。准备一盆清水,滴入少许醋,将土豆丝放入浸泡一会,然后用清水...
1.土豆洗净,先在底部切一刀,修理平整后,平放在菜板上,先切成片,后切丝。准备一盆清水,滴入少许醋,将土豆丝放入浸泡一会,然后用清水冲洗,沥干 2.锅中入油加热,放入花椒,待闻到花椒香味时,关火,拣出花椒不用 3.再次打开火,待油温7成热时,放入干红辣椒,闻到辣味后放入葱花爆香,再...
酱油,醋,精盐,味精,干红辣椒末各适量酸辣土豆丝的特色:酸辣下饭。 教您酸辣土豆丝怎么做,如何做酸辣土豆丝才好吃(1)将土豆洗净去皮切成细丝,用清水投洗干净备用。 (2)将炒锅置火上,放入油烧热,下入土豆丝煸炒断生,加入干辣椒末炒几下,加入酱油、精盐、醋、味精翻炒均匀即成只有中文啦 ...