🐾 walk a/the dog:遛狗时,你可以说“I took the dog for a walk.”(我遛狗去了。)或者“You're going to walk the dog?”(你们会去遛狗吗?)🐾 dog leash:这就是狗狗的牵引绳啦!记得出门时给狗狗戴上哦。🐾 dog collar:项圈也是遛狗时的重要装备,别忘了给狗狗戴上。🐾 kennel / doghouse:这...
出门遛狗不拴绳英语作文 英文回答: Walking dogs off-leash is a controversial issue with strong arguments on both sides. Those who support off-leash walking cite the benefits of exercise and socialization for the dog, as well as the owner's freedom to enjoy the outdoors with their pet. Opponent...
遛狗不牵绳英文作文 The Importance of Leashing Dogs: A Necessary Responsibility for Pet Owners. Dogs are man's best friends, loyal companions, and an integral part of our society. However, as pet owners, it is our responsibility to ensure that our dogs are well-behaved and do not pose a ...
所属专辑:英文阅读 声音简介 不会真的有人还在以为被狗咬打个狂犬疫苗就没啥大事了吧? 来看看这位女孩身上发生了什么事,你就知道政府为什么要这么干了…… 猜你喜欢 412 丁健恒杨公丰氺中级加强班课程20集 by:易学guoxueyijing168 6876 节奏-2022(加强) ...
关于邻居遛狗不栓狗绳英语作文 Once,I saw on the news that many people were bitten by dogs.They got rabies,which was very terrible.Some of their arms or feet were bitten by dogs,and even died seriously.It was really terrible! Not tying a dog's rope is not only dangerous,but also ...
遛狗不牵绳英文作文 Walking dogs without a leash is a common sight in many places, but it can be problematic for a variety of reasons. First off, it's a safety hazard. Dogs can get easily distracted and run off, which not only puts them in danger but also creates a potential risk ...