【雅思干货】2024年1-4月雅思口语题库PART23新题 2024年1-4月雅思口语题库PART23新题:速战速决的事 (中英双语高分答案) #雅思 #雅思口语 #雅思备考 #雅思考试 #每天学习一点点 @露露老师 - 柠檬露露英语雅思IELTS于20240123发布在抖音,已经收获了26.6万个喜欢,来抖音
雅思口语速战速决的事范文 英文回答: I have encountered a situation where I had to think on my feet and make a quick decision. It happened when I was traveling in a foreign country and I missed my flight back home. I was left stranded at the airport with no idea what to do. I ...
速战速决的事英语作文 英文回答: Swift, Decisive Action: A Prelude to Triumph. In the annals of history, countless tales weave a tapestry of successes and failures, each with its intricate plot and cast. In the midst of these narratives, a pivotal attribute emerges as a beacon of triumph: ...
速战速决的事英语作文 English: In times of conflict or crisis, it is often advantageous to adopt a strategy of "swift and decisive action" in order to achieve a quick resolution. This approach involves making bold and calculated moves to address the root of theproblem efficiently and ...
去年年末圣诞节去约会相亲 Well actually I remember that last year just by the end of December when Christmas came I had an opportunity to go to the cinema with a girl我没兴趣 听爸爸妈妈的话 I got no interest at all because my parents let me do it不是我的菜 but the point was that th...
20240127 速战速决的事P2 202024-01 3 20240127 一次忙碌的经历 P2 422024-01 4 20240126 speak homework 262024-01 5 20240124 一起学习工作的成功人士 282024-01 6 20240123 一同参加的兴奋活动 322024-01 7 擅长说中文的外国人P2+P3 382024-01 8 20240116 糟糕服务 P2+P3 482024-01 9 20240115 感觉累的活...
立案庭(诉讼服务中心) 副主任 张俊丽 该21件案件的调解,体现了历城法院特邀调解员工作热情和精湛的业务功底,也充分体现了历城法院速裁法官的高效审判“速度"及为人民服务的“温度”,真实让人民群众体会到了公平公正。 原标题:《我为群众办实事 | 历城法院速裁团队“速战速决” 21案保障农民工合法权益》 ...
速战速决 我还有事!好消息巴德削弱了!更好的消息永恩没削弱,继续冲分吧!#云顶之弈 #金铲铲之战 #巴德 #永恩 #永恩大战巴德 - 金铲铲之弈于20240403发布在抖音,已经收获了108个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!