通信工程在英语中常用“Communication Engineering”或“Telecommunications Engineering”,两者涵盖范围略有差异:前者涉及通信系统的设计、开发与维护,后者更聚焦电信网络与远距离传输技术(如卫星通信)。以下从专业术语、学习资源、应用场景及面试准备四方面具体说明。一、专业术语与核心概念通信工程...
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介绍通信工程专业英语作文 English: Communication engineering is a specialized field that involves the study and application of various communication technologies and systems. Students in this major learn about wireless and wired communication principles, networkarchitectures, telecommunications systems, signal ...
介绍通信工程专业英语作文Introduction to Communication Engineering Communication Engineering is a vibrant and rapidly evolving field that deals with the transmission of information across various mediums, from wired connections to wireless networks. It encompasses a wide range of technologies and systems, ...
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【翻译】通信工程专业英语.pdf,通信工程专业英语考试单元翻译 hama2013 通信工程专业英语考试单元翻译 NEW WORDS AND PHRASES 第二部分通信技术 purport v. 声称,意味着 semiotics n. 记号语言学 sociometric n. 社会测量 socio- : 社会的,社会学的 pr
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