一、连读练习题:连续的元音音素的连读 1. She is a English teacher. 2. Tom and his sister are going to the park. 3. I am eating an apple. 二、连读练习题:连续的辅音音素和元音音素的连读 1. Can you help me with my homework? 2. Did you see that movie last night? 3. I have a lot...
一、练习题 1. Can you come to the party? → Can you come to the party? (连读) 2. I am going to the store. → I'm going to the store. (连读) 3. She has a cat. → She's got a cat. (连读) 4. It is a beautiful day. → It's a beautiful day. (连读) 5. He is ...
连读是英语口语中的常见现象,掌握连读对提升口语流利度和自然度非常重要。下面是一些连读的练习题,可以帮助读者加强对连读的理解和应用。 练习1: 1. Can you help me with it? 2. We are going to the movies. 3. She is a doctor in the hospital. 4. He is studying computer science. 练习2: 1. ...
英语连读练习题六年级 一、练习连读 1. Amy is a student. She is a good girl. 连读:Amy's a student. She's a good girl. 2. Tom and Jerry are best friends. 连读:Tom 'n Jerry are best friends. 3. I love to eat ice cream. 连读:I love t'eat ice cream. 4. We have a big ...
提示:won't you 删除won't 的t,和you合并后连读: won-qiu 最后,用流行(pop)歌曲的歌词作为连读是非常好用又实用的方法,如果练成后想提升难度只要换成说唱(hiphop/rap)曲风的就好了。 初学者用流行,中高级学习者用嘻哈 #练习:将以下歌词轻读音(辅音)删除并合并,进行连读练习: 本回答或内容在以下领域非常实...
连读(元音+元音)--练习 一、标出你认为连读时应当添加的/j/音或/w/音。 1. Is it blue or grey? 2. What day is it today? Thursday or Friday? 3. Coffee or tea? 4. Where's my interview suit? 5. Play a song for me. 6. Hello. Reception? Which city is this? 7. See you in th...
掌握口语连读对于提高英语口语表达的流利程度非常重要。下面是一些口语连读练习题,帮助你巩固这一技巧。 1. That's a good idea. 读法:That'sa good idea. 连读说明:连读“that's”的"s"和"a"的元音之间的辅音发生连读。 2. I'm going to the mall. 读法:I'm gonna the mall. 连读说明:连读"going ...
连读,是上一个单词末尾的辅音,跟下一个单词开头的元音的拼读。连读练习:1. Thank you. 谢谢。2. an apple 一个苹果3. an old man 一位老人4. an honest girl 一个诚实的女孩5. an English book 一本英语书6. a map of China 一幅中国地图7. a glass of water 一杯水8. need a confirmation 需要...
连读练习 一、辅音与元音的连读-1 knockat takeachancetakeamessagetolookaboutlookupgetintoupanddown lookinto takeabackseattakeadvantageoflookoutofgetoutofgetinapairofshoes takeup takeanaptakeairlookovergetoffgetawaykeepitup forayear putitoff putiton aboveall notatall standup 一、辅音与元音的连读-1 ...
从节奏感、连读到发音,最干货的英音朗读讲解+练习🔤【我的网课】请在新的网页里粘贴课程链接打开🙇【系统DJ音标课】https://www.cctalk.com/m/group/90578513【写作语法课】Fundamentals of English Grammar in Writing--【自学班】https://www.cctalk.com/m/group