@知了爱学还行用英语怎么说 知了爱学 翻译结果: “还行”可以翻译为“alright”,“OK”,或者“fairly good”,具体使用哪个表达取决于语境。 应用场景: 当你想表达某事物或情况虽然不是特别好,但也勉强可以接受时,可以使用“alright”或“OK”。 如果你想表达某事物或情况在一定程度上是好的,可以使用“fairly g...
还行的英文翻译,还行用英语怎么说,怎么读 读音:/hái xíng/ 还行的英文翻译 OKOkayNot too bad 还行汉英翻译 not too bad不太坏; 词组短语 我们过得还行Es geht uns gut 还行吧Okay; wujia 画画还行Painting line; Also paint line 双语例句 1.
英语口语中表示“还行;不错”可以说: not too bad或not bad 意思就等于fairly good或satisfactory 举个例子: "How are things?" "Not too bad, thanks." “最近怎么样?” “还行,谢谢。” 但问题是,not bad在英语口语中还有 “很好”的意思,相当于ve...
在中文里,“还行”除了表示“基本满意”,还可以表示“差强人意,就那么回事儿”。这种语境下,可以用 all right 这个表达。 ·举个栗子· ☟☟☟ “What did you think of the film?” “It was all right. Nothing special.” “你认为这部电影怎么样?” “还算可以,没什么特别的” 编辑 此外,all r...
——“还行吧”用英语怎么说? fair to middling Neither good nor bad; slightly above average 不好不坏;比中等水平稍微好一点;过得去;还算好 My sewing is excellent, but my cooking is only fair to middling. 我缝东西缝得很好,但我的...
Not bad,It`s ok,Just so so.
你好!“随便”“还行”whatever 英[wɒtˈevə(r)] 美[wətˈevə(r)]pron. 无论什么; 任何(事物); 诸如此类; (表示不在乎,什么都可接受) 什么都可以;adj. 无论什么…都; 无论怎样…都; 任何…也;[例句]Franklin was free to do pre...
The best way to translate 《还行用英语怎么说》 relies heavily on context. Consider these examples: Scenario 1: Friend asks, "How was the movie?" Reply: "还行." Here, "It was okay," "It was alright," or even "It was decent" would be suitable translations. Scenario 2: Boss asks abou...
fair to middling 英语解释为neither good or bad。看下老外聊天时怎么用。A:What kind of weather did you have on your holiday there?你度假时那边天气怎样?B:Fair to middling.Compared to Beijing,it's a little hot.还行。只是比起北京有点热。与这个词意思相近的说法还有:1 Can't complain.还过得...