DaVinci Resolve works with virtually all native cameraRAW formats.That means you can work with files directly from the camera’s sensor instead of compressed pixel data. Simply choose a RAW file and click the RAW icon located on the left side of the toolbar. The RAW palette gives you total...
DaVinci Resolve调色台拥有睿智设计,能同时控制多个参数,让您效率倍增、创意不绝。只要一台鼠标,流水行云间佳作信手拈来!所有控制采用合理布局,接近双手自然活动位置,并以高品质材料精心打造而成。它拥有顺滑而灵敏的轨迹球,配以高精度工程设计的旋钮,使用起来触感舒适且力度适中,令各项设置均能准确调整。DaVinci ...
DaVinci Resolve 19 全部 软件 剪辑师键盘 调色台 Fairlight调音台 DaVinci Resolve Studio 19 增强版DaVinci Resolve,添加了DaVinci Neural Engine神经网络引擎,可自动执行AI区域跟踪,并搭载众多立体工具,加入多款Resolve FX滤镜、更丰富的Fairlight FX音频插件以及更先进的HDR调色。
DaVinci Resolve’s comprehensive keyboard customization offers fingertip access to dozens of audio tools and options so editors can work without having to stop and click through menus. You can create your own audio workflow shortcuts by going to the DaVinci Resolve menu and selecting "keyboard cus...
DaVinci Resolve is divided into "pages", each of which gives you a dedicated workspace and tools for a specific task. Editing is done on the cut and edit pages, visual effects and motion graphics on the Fusion page, color correction on the color page, audio on the Fairlight page, and ...
DaVinci Resolve的调色页面是一款先进的好莱坞调色工具,它被用于大量高端影视作品的调色和精编。它的设计简单易懂,并蕴含众多实用工具,让新用户也能更快速地完成优质作品,同时还能不断学习和掌握更为高端的工具。只要使用过图像处理软件,就不会对一级校色控制滑块感到陌生,调整对比度、色温、中间调细节、饱和度等参数一...
DaVinci Resolve Advanced Panel是与众多好莱坞专业调色师共同设计的成果,它搭载丰富的控制工具,每项DaVinci调色功能都可以直接访问。 专业轨迹球 轨迹球能够帮助您根据暗部、中灰和亮部的色调范围,调整图像色彩。与鼠标和键盘所不同的是,您可以同时操作多个轨迹球来创建独特效果。您可以通过轨迹球外围顺滑的控制环设置...
DaVinci Resolve Studio DaVinci Resolve Studio supports up to 120fps at a massive 32K resolution, as well as support for multiple GPUs for real time playback of professional 10-bit formats, and accelerated H.264 and H.265 hardware decoding and encoding. There’s a full suite of immersive au...
下载DaVinci Resolve! 剪辑 专业剪辑工具帮您快速创建故事情节!包含拖放剪辑、自动修剪工具和强大的新AI文本剪辑,以及数百种标题、转场和特效。 调色 先进的调色软件,搭载数百种一级和二级调色工具,包含Relight FX、直观物体遮罩、3D深度图特效和跟踪,以及先进的HDR调色等功能!
DaVinci Resolve Advanced Panel是与专业好莱坞调色师共同设计的,搭载了大量控制,可直接获得DaVinci调色的每项功能。 RMB 256,550 查找经销商 Fairlight Desktop Console 便携调音台,包括12个触感敏锐的优质自动缩混推子、声道LCD用于高端处理、自动化和播放控制,此外还设有HDMI可用于外部图文显示。