36、ld do in intercultural communication is to treat people of other cultures both as the same with and as different from us.reading iithe challenge of globalizationcomprehension questionswhy does the author say that our understanding of the world has changed?many things, such as political changes...
Reading The Challenge Of GlObaliZation GO“3~Zy0θ 4,fθ4j 1. Why does the author Say that OUr UnderStanding Of the WorId has changed? In the PaSt most PCOPIC WCrC bom, IiVCd, and died Within a Iimited geographical area, never encountering PeOPIe Of OthCr CUltUral backgrounds. SuCh an...
总第 3 次课支配章节 Unit 1 Communication Across Culture 名称精选范本精品word学习资料可编辑名师归纳总结——欢迎下载教学 How to Ask Directions 目的教学重点 How to Ask Directions 与难点 Reading II The Challenge of Globalization Comprehension questions Why does the author say that our understanding of ...
He never realized that in the Indian culture such a challenge rarely is forthcoming即将到来. The misunderstandings took place because cultural barriers got in the way. To take full advantage of the opportunities that the global environment offered, both the Dutch and the Indian teams needed to ...
In a SenSe,what We ShoUId do in intercuHUral mun⅛cation is to treat PeoPIe Of Other CUHUreS both as Ihe Same With and as different from us. Reading 11 The Challenge Of Globatization PrehenSion questions %fγd9ayg93L⅛⅛y Wd应 QSS3{9 血的7。例9 做必/BS α⅛孕ŋ? Many ...
In many Western cultures, particularlyAmerican culture, seniority seldom matters very much in such situations,and young people are usually encouraged to challenge authority and voice their own opinions. Unfortunately, his outspoken protest could easily offend the grandfather and he might be regarded as ...
13、han the “local” - the increasing global mobility of people; - the impact of new electronic media on human communicationsThe Challenge of Globalizationl Attitudes towards globalization: - both a fact and an opportunity; - the development of a global mind-setl Cultural diversity must be rec...
Indeed his theory could be used to predict the motivating effect of active learning: Students should be set a challenge which requires a personal response(self actualisation) Students work in pairs or small groups and their ideas should be valued by that group(belongingness and love needs) ...
has the ability to challenge injustice takes action in personally meaningful ways 】 第二章 单元测试 1、 问题: Among all the culture metaphors mentioned in this section, it is the “software” metaphor that describes culture shock as a disease.选项: ...