沪江词库精选调车场英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 switchyard 相似短语 beam switchyard 束流分配装置 相似单词 switchyard n. 编组站 翻译推荐 调车机车 shunter 汇集调车 gather 车辆调车站 switchback 铁路调车线 railroad 溜收调车 kick 调车场 switchyard 平面调车 flat 调车信号 shunting...
编组站,调车场2) marshaling yard 编组车场3) train make-up shunting 编组调车 例句>> 4) Switchyard in target area 靶场编组站 例句>> 5) train make up station 列车编组站6) makeup yard 车辆编组场补充资料:车场日(见军用汽车车场) 车场日(见军用汽车车场) vehicle maintenance day 丸灭lecnQn...
调车场 1. This paper introduces general condition of equipments and Its main problems existed of humpshunting yardof Harbin Marshalling station and imagine of the project on technical Transformation for the equipments of humpshunting yardis put forward. ...
调车场 / diao che chang / diao che chang 1.a (railroad) switchyard; a marshalling yard 相关词语 调车场场长 a yardmaster 生辰测算手机吉凶2025年运势一生财运 性别: 男女 生日: 立即测试》 立即测试 立即测试 立即测试 2025流年运势 八字合婚配对...
调车场 中文调车场 英文switchyard
调车场作业帮助 看、听、说 This isn't working. 这样是不行的 Play Working for Jonas and Marsh,pulling in the coin... 为乔那斯和马什工作, Play 帮助 相关词汇 挖掘... 衍生词, 相关词 yard working → yard operation, yard switching, switchyard, yard master, yard speed, yard limit, ...
沪江词库精选调车场场长的英文怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 yardmaster 相似单词 yardmastern. 调车长,场内管理主管 翻译推荐 调车机车shunter 汇集调车gather 车辆调车站switchback 铁路调车线railroad 溜收调车kick 调车场switchyard 平面调车flat 调车信号shunting ...
枢纽调车场 2) plan of terminal yard 枢纽调车场平面图 3) terminal shunting 枢纽内调车 4) hub airport 枢纽机场 1. Estimating methods of passenger throughput forhub airportbased on reverse gravity model; 基于逆向重力模型的枢纽机场旅客吞吐量估计方法 ...
车辆调配场2) vehicle allocation 车辆调配 1. On the dynamic vehicle allocation problem,the change of vehicle supply have affect on the vehicle allocation scheme. 动态车辆调配问题中,车辆供给的变化会对车辆调配方案带来影响。 2. Under some demands in process of freight transportation,the deterministic...