计算机科学引论答案.docx,精品文档 精品文档 PAGE PAGE #欢迎下载 Comput ing Esse ntials 2008 练习答案 Chapter 1 :In formati on Tech no logy. The Intern et, and You Crossword Puzzle An swers: Across Num. Clue An swer The most esse ntial part of an in formati
计算机科学导论全英版课后问答.doc,CHAPTER1 Explainthefivepartsofaninformationsystem.Whatpartdopeopleplayinthissystem Aninformationsystemhasfiveparts:people,procedures,software,hardwareanddata. People:Areenduserswhousecomputertomakethemselvesmoreproductive
1、.Computing Essentials 2008 练习答案Chapter 1 : Information Technology, The Internet, and YouCrossword Puzzle Answers:AcrossNum.Clue AnswerThe most essential part of an information system. PeopleCoordinates computer resources. Operating System10Modifies signals for processing.ModemData that has been ...