代码链接:https://github.com/machineperceptionlab/qq-slam 1. 导读 神经隐式表示在同步定位和映射(...
· 作者另外一篇关于单目尺度的文章 代码开源 :Lee S H, de Croon G. Stability-based scale estimation for monocular SLAM[J]. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2018, 3(2): 780-787. 15. RESLAM(基于边的 SLAM) · 论文:Schenk F, Fraundorfer F. RESLAM: A real-time robust edge-based SLA...
ORB-SLAM2 is a real-time SLAM library forMonocular,StereoandRGB-Dcameras that computes the camera trajectory and a sparse 3D reconstruction (in the stereo and RGB-D case with true scale). It is able to detect loops and relocalize the camera in real time. We provide examples to run the ...
代码链接:https://github.com/machineperceptionlab/qq-slam 1. 导读 神经隐式表示在同步定位和映射(...