Journey to the West 029 The Magic Sleeve 05:01 Journey to the West 030 The Frying Pan 05:02 Journey to the West 031 Guanyin's Vase 05:09 Journey to the West 032 Lady Whitebone 05:25 Journey to the West 033 Bajie Takes a Nap ...
最近,娃对英文版西游记 Journey to the West 着迷得不得了,晚上看动画要求看,早晚听的材料也在听。 就因为看了Journey to the West, 都能用英文完整复述 The Life of Buddha(难度挺高的释伽牟尼的故事)了,讲得还挺完整,还加入了不...
Journey to the West 004 Secret Formulas 05:18 Journey to the West 005 The Demon of Chaos 05:12 Journey to the West 006 The Dragon King 05:09 Journey to the West 007 The Land of Darkness 05:44 Journey to the West 008 A Job in Heaven 05:10 Journey to the West 009 The Peach Garde...
正逢她英语启蒙,又十分爱《西游记》,所以果断把这套新东方出版的英文版西游记《Journey to the west》收入囊中了。这套英文版《Journey to theWest 西游记》全套18册,配了两本阅读理解题单,还有原版的动画和音频资源,一套书多种用途,不论是作为阅读材料,还是听力积累,都很合适!一、little fox经典《西...
Journey to the West《西游记》Journey to the West is one of the four classics of Chinese literature.《西游记》是中国四大古典文学名著之Wrtten by the Ming Dynasty novelist Wu Cheng'en during the 16th一,由明代小说家吴承恩在16世纪写成,是century, this beloved adventure tale combines action, humor and...
This is the first Journey to the West story I've ever introduced to our 5-year old son and my husband. Now our night routine is to listen to the Monkey King and his journey, has the imagination carries our little guy into the sweet dreams. Love it! 回复 2019-11-2627 1371141exhf 小...
由LittleFox出品的《西游记》英文动画片 Journey to the west ,一共108集,每集约5分钟左右,一集讲述一个故事,英语对白+英文字,精彩好看。 这个版本是英文版,而且这个视频还带英文字幕,高清画质,不管是启蒙阶段的孩子看,还是已经有英语水平的孩子看都特别合适。有儿童英文版的对孩子来说真的是大大的福利。 持续...
最后,我想说,英语学习并不是一件枯燥无味的事情。只要我们找到合适的方法,激发孩子们的学习兴趣,他们就能在学习中找到乐趣。而《Journal to the West 西游记》就是这样一套能够激发孩子们学习兴趣的英语教材。赶紧给孩子们入手一套吧! 广告 【赠闪卡】新东方西游记英文版绘本故事书Journey to t ...
电视剧《西游记》(Journey to the West)于1986年在央视首播,堪称史上重播次数最多、最家喻户晓的国产电视剧之一。最近,此前曾在央视频上线的《西游记》英文版片段在视频平台走红,剧中的名场面和经典台词用英语呈现,且配音演员的声线非常贴近原版,许多网友看完直呼“太神奇了”!
Journey to the West 006 The Dragon King 05:09 Journey to the West 007 The Land of Darkness 05:44 Journey to the West 008 A Job in Heaven 05:10 Journey to the West 009 The Peach Garden 05:53 Journey to the West 010 The Powerful Sage 05:23 Journey to the West 011 Trouble in Heav...