百度试题 结果1 题目【题目】一、给下列加点字选择正确的读音,画“√”绒球花(l6ng摔跤(shuar suai)罚站(fáfǎ)衣裳(shang shang)喇叭(ǎà)例句(li liè)清楚(cǔchǔ橙子(deng cheng) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 答案见上 反馈 收藏
柯林斯例句 She was wearing an expensive new outfit. 她穿着一身昂贵的新衣裳。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 The bottom of her long dress dragged in the dust. 她长衣裳的下摆拖着尘土. 《简明英汉词典》 Stretch the clothes before hanging them up to dry. ...
衣裳楚楚成语拼音 yi chang chu chu 成语拼读 yī cháng chǔ chǔ 使用实例 清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·胡四相公》:“张如其言,推扉一觑,则内有美少年,相视而笑,衣裳楚楚,眉目如画,转眨之间,不复睹矣。” 成语解释 楚楚:鲜明的样子。形容服装整齐漂亮。 典故出处 《诗经·曹风·蜉蝣》:"蜉蝣之羽,衣裳楚楚...
缝衣裳 例句>> 4) Intensive Study and Explanation of the Words "Clothes" and "Skirt "衣""裳"考释5) Ni Shang Yu Yi 霓裳羽衣 1. Among the music and dance of Tang dynasty, "Liang Zhou", "Zhe Zhi", "Ni Shang Yu Yi " have been prominent for the cause of their popularity and inf...
作嫁衣裳 成语拼音:zuo jia yi shang 拼读声调:zuò jià yī shāng 成语释义:指白白替别人操劳,自己却一无所得。 成语典故:唐·秦韬玉《贫女》诗:"苦恨年年压金线,为他人作嫁衣裳。" 包含什么什么衣裳的成语 白日绣衣 白日衣绣 白衣天使 白衣送酒 白衣宰相 白衣公卿 白衣秀士 白衣卿相 斑衣戏彩 班衣戏...
搓衣裳 [cuō yī shang] 释义 clean garments by rubbing 搓衣裳;
缝衣裳 例句>> 5) Intensive Study and Explanation of the Words "Clothes" and "Skirt "衣""裳"考释6) Ni Shang Yu Yi 霓裳羽衣 1. Among the music and dance of Tang dynasty, "Liang Zhou", "Zhe Zhi", "Ni Shang Yu Yi " have been prominent for the cause of their popularity and inf...
衣裳 古时上曰衣,下曰裳(古代指裙子)。《诗经·邶风·绿衣》:“绿衣黄裳。”《毛传》:“上曰衣,下曰裳。”古人最早下身穿的是一种类似裙子一样的“裳”。“裳”字也写作“常”。《说文》:“常,下帬也。”“帬”是裙的古体字。《释名》:“裳,障也,所以自障蔽也。”“障”是保护的意思,“蔽”有遮羞...
衣裳 例句>> 3) Yishang Street 衣裳街 1. Taking the preservation of Yishang Street and Xiaoxi Street in Huzhou as an exampl. 以湖州衣裳街、小西街历史街区为个案,从街区的文化内涵、城市化对它的冲击以及城市化进程中如何进行保护三个方面进行论述,以期探索城市化进程中历史文化遗产保护的有效路径。 更...