行业简介(英文)Industry profile My name is Liuminglong,I come from Liangshan county power supply company,engaged in electric power industry.Electricity as the essential energy of our life,closely related to our life.Adhering to our company "you use the power, I carefully" concept,it is my ...
广告行业英文术语简介(英文版) 1. Introduction The advertising industry is a fast-paced and dynamic field that relies heavily on effective communication and understanding of specific terminology and jargon. In order to navigate this industry successfully, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of...
开通VIP [广告行业]英文术语 Advertising Glossary A The Advertising Council -- A non-profit organization providing the media industry with public service campaigns on a number of social issues. Advertising Executive or Account Manager -- Sales or service personnel employed by companies that sell Out-...
文档简介62/62[广告行业]英文术语AdvertisingGlossary ATheAdvertisingCouncil--Anon-profitorganizationprovidingthemediaindustrywithpublicservicecampaignsonanumberofsocialissues. AdvertisingExecutiveorAccountManager--SalesorservicepersonnelemployedbycompaniesthatsellOut-of-Homemedia(nottobeconfusedwithadvertisingagencyaccount...
京剧行业资料简介英文 Introduction to Beijing Opera Industry Beijing Opera, also known as Peking Opera, is a traditional form of Chinese theatre that originated in Beijing during the late 18th century. It encompasses singing, dancing, acrobatics, and martial arts, making it a comprehensive art form...
浮(船) 式储油卸油系统 Fwd (Forward) 向船艏 GL (Germanischer Lloyd) 德国船级社 GM (Metacentric Height) 初稳心高 HP (Half Bulb Plate) 球扁钢 LBP (Length between Perpendiculars) 垂线间长 LCG (Longitudinal Center of Gravity) 纵向重心 LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas Vessel) 液化石油气船 LOA (Ove...
第一章 行业概况 1.1 简介 CRM是英文Customer Relationship Management的简写,一般译作“客户关系管理”。CRM最早产生于美国,由Gartner Group首先提出。自20世纪90年代以来,伴随着互联网和电子商务的大潮,CRM得到了迅速发展。不同的学者和商业机构对CRM的概念有不同的看法,但其核心思想始终围绕着“以客户为中心”。
特瑞堡Trelleborg冶金行业应用简介-英文 SEALINGSOLUTIONS TrelleborgSealingSolutions YourPartnerforSealingTechnology Agenda SEALINGSOLUTIONS BusinessConceptTrelleborgBusinessAreasTrelleborgSealingSolutions FactsTrelleborgSealingSolutionsGlobalResources‘Local’KeyCustomersandKeyApplicationsProduct...