Predict model bicyclic ketone 蟺-facial nucleophile add w steric unbiasedMehta, G
Pursuing these studies we have shown, that also in a regime of a long pionic wave length the semi-classical BUU model still generates reasonable results. We present results on 蟺-induced events in the regime of 10 MeV鈮 鈮 MeV and photo-induced 蟺蟺 production at incident beam energies of...
Model Systems for Flavoenzyme Activity . Modulation of Flavin Redox Potentials through 蟺-Stacking Interactions ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed September 9 , 1996 Redox-active organic molecules are important species in biological and man-made systems . In biol...
Jiang, Y., Xia, Z., Zhong, Y., Zhang, S.: The construction and analysis of agent fault-tolerance model based on pi-calculus. In: Bubak, M., van Albada, G.D., Sloot, P.M.A., Dongarra, J. (eds.) ICCS 2004. LNCS, vol. 3038, pp. 591-598. Springer, Heidelberg (2004)...