“蔚明辉”读音为:yù míng huī,音调为:去声 阳平 阴平 蔚明辉好听吗? 一般,名字中无多音字。 双声字和叠韵字 字音清晰、流畅,音调优美。 谐音 明徽:(míng huī)指明快的节拍。 明辉:(míng huī)辉煌,光辉。 与"蔚明辉"字音相似的名字 蔚明慧蔚铭慧蔚铭惠蔚鸣慧蔚名慧蔚明惠蔚明卉蔚铭辉蔚明晖蔚铭晖蔚...
摘要 The structure of the solid propellant micro-thruster is simple,the energy density of the solid propellant micro-thruster is high,and the working property of the solid propellant micro-thruster is stable.Theses characteristics are beneficial to the integration of systems.The expected thrust and ...