莫斯-布尔斯坦效应即Moss-Burstein effect。是由于泡利不相容原理引起的。具体是指在重掺杂材料中,由于费...
莫斯-布尔斯坦效应即Moss-Burstein effect。是由于泡利不相容原理引起的。具体是指在重掺杂材料中,由于费米能级进入价带或者导带。从而使得导带底(或者价带顶)的能量状态已经被占据。在讨论光跃迁问题时,比如PL测量,出现的带隙变大的现象。00分享举报为您推荐 刘易斯海因 阿兰巴迪欧 马特里德利 卡尔纳普 爱德华威...
Moss-Burstein effect 对于PL光谱的峰值变化的实验
Moss-Burstein effect 莫斯-布尔斯坦效应.pdf,MOSS-BURSTEIN EFFECT (Expt. B1O) The Moss-Burstein effect results from the Pauli Exclusion Principle and is seen in semiconductors as a shift wit increasing doping of the band-gap as defined as the separation in
Moss-Burstein effect 莫斯-布尔斯坦效应 MOSS-BURSTEINEFFECT(Expt.B1O)TheMoss-BursteineffectresultsfromthePauliExclusionPrincipleandisseeninsemiconductorsasashiftwithincreasingdopingoftheband-gapasdefinedastheseparationinenergybetweenthetopofthevalencebandandtheunoccupiedenergystatesintheconductionband.Theshiftarises...
莫斯-布尔斯坦效应 Moss-Burstein effect相关短语 floating moss 漂浮藓 long moss phr. 松萝凤兰 Spanish moss 寄生藤 moss land 沼泽地 moss tundra 藓类冻原 juniper moss 【医】 杜松苔(一种利尿草药) scale moss phr. 叶状地线 moss hart n. (= Moss Hart)莫斯·哈特 moss animal phr. 苔藓虫 beard mo...
MOSS-BURSTEIN EFFECT (Expt. B1O) The Moss-Burstein effect results from the Pauli Exclusion Principle and is seen in semiconductors as a shift with increasing doping of the band-gap as defined as the separation in energy between the top of the valence band and the unoccupied energy states in...
1.43M 文档页数: 7页 顶/踩数: 55/0 收藏人数: 11 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 文档标签: bandeffectabsorptionnotsampleDetectorsourceenergyconductiondoped 系统标签: bursteineffect布尔莫斯bandinas MOSS-BURSTEINEFFECT(Expt.B1O) TheMoss-BursteineffectresultsfromthePauliExclusionPrincipleandisseen...