英语考试题库及答案大全 一、单项选择题 1. Which of the following is NOT a verb? A. Run B. Dance C. Apple D. Jump 答案:C 2. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition: She is ___ the library. A. at B. in C. on D. to 答案:B 3. Choose the correct sentence structure...
2024年英语统考题库及答案 1.Wouldyouliketocometoour10thanniversary? ___。 A.Iamgladtohearthat。 B.I’dloveto。(正确答案) C.Ilikeitverymuch。 D.Happytoseeyou。 2.___isthedictionary? Its$28。 A.Howold。 B.Howmuch。(正确答案) C.Howmany。 D.Howlong。 3.Mybrother___toAmericathreetime...
统考英语b 2024年奥鹏、远程网络教育大学英语B、计算机基础统考题库已更新完毕 2024年全国网络教育统考,大学英语B统考题库、计算机应用基础统考题库均为必过题库,复习本题库无需复习其他资料。 大学英语B题库做了全中文翻译,方便基础较差的同学复习,同时赠送简化版以及复习指导,哪部分需要重点复习,哪部分尽量复习,在...
英语题库(97道)英语 1、We must face up to our responsibilities and not to try to get out of them( )——[单选题] A 我们必须面对自己的责任而不是逃避它们 B 我们要面对自己的责任不能逃离它们 C 我们可能要脸贴自己的责任而不是逃避它们 D 正确答案:A 2、One thing in India's favor is an ...
请记住:只需要温习本套题库,无需再看其他书本或资料。 豌豆 6 次咨询 5.0 西安建筑科技大学 市政工程硕士 518 次赞同 去咨询 一、交际用语 1.、Would you like something to drink? What about a cup of tea? A. No, thanks. B. No, I wouldn’t ...
英语题库(30道)英语 1、 She looks ___. I think I have met her before.——[单选题] A familiar B engineer C student D unfamiliar 正确答案:A 2、 Oh, no! we ___ our plane. We will have to wait for the next one.——[单选题] A lost B missed C parked D visited 正确答案:B 3...
高考英语单项选择题题库(660高考英语单项选择题题库(660题)一Unfortunately,whenIdroppedin,DoctorLi forBeijingtojoininthefightagainSARS,soweonlyhadtimeforafewA.just B.hasjust C.isjust D.wasjustHehasn'tcomeyet.Whatdoyouconsider to B.has D.to isknowntousallisthatChinahaslaunchedShenzhouVspaceshipA. ...
统考英语题库(150道).docx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 统考英语 1、 What happened to the bookseller one day?——[单选题] A He lost a box of books. B His foot was wounded by a box of books. C He lent the doctor a box of books. D He sold out ...
英语题库(300道)英语 1、 Someone knocked at the door when Mr.and Mrs.Jones were( )——[单选题] A cleaning their house. B counting(数) their luggage C moving their furniture. D writing their shopping list 正确答案:B 2、 This writer of this passage suggests that the middle-aged lady()...
一、交际英语1.-SorryI'mlate.-___A.Youarewelcome.B.It'sapleasure. C.Takecare. D.Don'tworry.答案:D2.-Wearegoingtohaveasingingpartytonight.Wouldyouliketojoinus?-___A.I'mafraidnot,becauseIhavetogotoanimportantmeeting.B.Ofcoursenot.Ihavenoidea.C.No,Ican't.D.That'sallset.答案:A3.-Woul...