英语情景对话试题及答案 试题一:在餐厅 情景描述: Tom和Jerry是朋友,他们决定去一家新开的意大利餐厅吃饭。他们正在点餐。 对话: Tom: Hey, Jerry, have you been to this new Italian restaurant? Jerry: No, I haven't. I've heard good things about it though. What do you recommend? Tom: I've ...
人教版七年级英语情景对话练习题 1. —Excuse me, where is the library? A. It's on the second floor. B. It's a book. C. I don't know. 答案解析:A。本题考查学校场所的位置表达。A选项“在二楼”符合询问图书馆位置的情景;B选项“它是一本书”答非所问;C选项“我不知道”在日常情景中也...
英语情景对话专项练习题 1、同学之间互相打招呼时可以说:() A.Hello!B.Goodbye! 2、向别人作自我介绍时说:() A.I’mSarah.B.Hello! 3、家里来了客人,要礼貌地说:() A.What’syourname?B.Welcome! 4、老师问你的名字,你回答:() A.What’syourname?B.MynameisChenJie. ...
1. What do cultural differences mean? How can we deal with cultural differences? (cultural differences) 2. Please tell us something about your earliest memory. (earliest memory) 3. Do you think it is the moral responsibility of the rich to share their wealth with the poor? Why or why ...
七上英语情景对话常考16个主题 Topic1 问路与交通 关键词 turn left/right左转/右转; walk/go along/straight直走; go/walk through穿过 交通方式 on foot步行; by train/bike/bus乘火车/骑自行车/乘公共汽车;take a bus乘公共汽...
在翻译邮件和电话对话时,要注意礼貌和正式的语气。 在翻译会议和演讲内容时,要考虑到听众的背景和可能的理解程度。 七、Case Study Analysis 1. Business Correspondence A. Matching Match the following business munication scenarios with the appropriate actions: 1. Sending a followup e after a meeting. a....
英语情景对话试题及答案 试题: 1. 在下列对话中,A和B正在讨论什么? A: Hey, have you seen the latest blockbuster movie? B: Yes, I did. It was quite impressive. A) A new book B) A new movie C) A new restaurant 2. 根据对话,B对电影的评价是什么? A: What did you think about the ...
五年级上册英语试题-情景对话专项 人教(PEP)(含答案).pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 情景对话专项 一、Readandchoose.(单项择我最棒。) (B)1.—Isthereacockintheroom? — A.Yes,thereare. B.Yes,thereis. (B)2.—What’syourartteacherike? —(导学 A.Heikes...
初三英语•下册内容 距离中考没有多少时间了,不知道同学们新知识学的怎么样了?一些重点内容有没有掌握到位呢?平时老师出的练习大家有没有练习,如果题目都能做对,那大家的基础都还是不错的,考试没问题。今天王老师和大家分享的是中考英语复...