英语国家概况ppt超级详细.ppt,Chapter 1 Geography and People 1st Week, 20149/28/20241 NameOfficial Name The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国Shortened / abbreviated forms The United Kingdom or The U.K.NicknameJ
英语国家概况PPT The United States of America Unit 8 Geography and People Contents 1 Geography 2 Major Cities 3 Climate 4 Natural Resources 5 People Watch the map of U.S.A carefully and find clues to the following items ▪ location (bordering neighbors ) ▪ States (the smallest & the ...
英语国家概况ppt超级详细 AGuidetoEnglish-SpeakingCountries1 Chapter1GeographyandPeople 1stWeek,2014 CollegeofForeignLanguages,HainanNormalUniversity 7/20/2020 AGuidetoEnglish-SpeakingCountries2 Name OfficialName TheUnitedKingdomofGreatBritainandNorthernIreland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 Shortened/abbreviatedforms T...
British(英国人)speakinEnglish(英语).FrenchRepublic(法兰西共和国) 简称“France(法国)”TheCapital(首都): Paris(巴黎) TheTypicalBuilding (标志性建筑): theEiffelTower (埃菲尔铁塔) French(法国人)speakinFrench(法语).Canada 加拿大TheCapital(首都): Ottawa(渥太华) TheTypicalBuilding (标志性建筑): theCNTowe...
英语国家概况演讲PPT.ppt,The Founding of the Nation;Five Legendary Figures ;;历史人物;The American Revolutionary War;历史人物; ;历史人物;The Roosevelts New Deal;历史人物;the photo of the Kennedy family;备受困扰的家族 半个世纪以来,仿佛受到一种神秘的诅咒,
AGuidetoEnglish-SpeakingCountries英语国家概况TheUnitedKingdomofGreatBritainandNorthernIrelandChapterOneGeography,PeopleandLanguageContentsGeography IPeopleIITheEnglishLanguageIIIIGeography 1.GeographicalFeatures2.Climate3.MajorCitiesMapoftheUKReadthemaptofind:AtlanticOceanNorthSeaIrishSeaTheEnglishChannelTheRepublicof...
英语国家概况PPT_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。英语国家概况 外语教育与研究出版社 The United States of America Unit 8 Geography and People Contents 1 2 3 4 5 Geography Major Cities Climate Natural Resources People Watch the map of U.S.A carefully and find clues to the following items location (...
英语国家概况PPT_政史地_高中教育_教育专区。LOGO Chapter One Geography, People and Language Contents I Geography II People III The Engl LOGO Chapter One Geography, People and Language Contents I Geography II People III The English Language I Geography ? 1. Geographical Feature ? 2. Climate ? 3...
英语课国家介绍课件.ppt,Canada 加拿大 United States 美国 D.C. Greenland 格陵兰(丹麦的自治领地和岛屿) Saint-Pierre and Miquelon 圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛(法国的海外领地) Canadas cultural . 维多利亚日 感恩节 rituals and taboos 礼仪与禁忌 Gift: like China,
Overview of English speaking countries目录IntroductionOverview of the UKOverview of the United StatesOverview of CanadaOve