答案:英语。 解析:美国的主要语言是英语,虽然有很多其他语言的使用者,但英语是官方语言和最广泛使用的语言。知识点为美国的语言状况。 21.加拿大的首都是()。 A.多伦多B.温哥华C.渥太华D.蒙特利尔 答案:C。解析:加拿大首都是渥太华。这是一个需要记忆的知识点。 22.澳大利亚的国宝动物是()。 A.袋鼠B.树袋熊C...
英语国家概况(谢福之主编) 课后答案 一、选择题(答案在下面) I. Choose the one that best completes each of the following statements. 1. The two main islands of the British Isles are . A. Great Britain and Ireland B. Great Britain and Scotland C. Great Britain and Wales D. Great Britain ...
(完整)英语国家概况-谢福之-课后答案(全部) 精选(word文档良心出品.pdf,判断题 Chapter 1 1. country. (F) 2. The Severn River is the longest river of Britain, which originates in Wales and flows through western England.(T) 3. Today more than half of the people
内容提示: 8 2018 版 年最新版 况 英语国家概况 谢福之一、选择题(答案在所有选择题下面)I. Choose the one that best completes each of the following statements.1. The two main islands of the British Isles are .A. Great Britain and Ireland B. Great Britain and ScotlandC. Great Britain and ...
英语国家概况-谢福之-课后答案(全部)---WORD 格式--可编辑--专业资料--- 判断题 Chapter 1 1. People in different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country. (F) 2. The Severn River is the longest river of Britain, which originates in Wales and flows through...
英语国家概况谢福之课后答案(全部)判断题 Chapter 1 1.People in different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country、(F) 2.The Severn River is the longest river of Britain, which originates in Wales and flows through western England、(T) 3.Today more than ...
2018年最新版英语国家概况谢福之 一、选择题 (答案在所有选择题下面) I.Choosetheonethatbestcompleteseachofthefollowingstatements. 1.ThetwomainislandsoftheBitishIslesae. A.GeatBitainandIeland B.GeatBitainandScotland C.GeatBitainandWales D.GeatBitainandEngland 2.isthecapitalcityofScotland. A.Belfast B.Ed...
. 判断题 Chapter1 1. People in different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country. F 2. The
英语国家概况-谢福之-课后答案-判断题.pdf,Chapter 1 1. P opl in diff r nt parts of Britain lik to us th nam England to r f r to th ir coun try. (F) 2. Th S v rn Riv r is th Iong st riv r of Britain, which originat s in Wal s and flows through w st rn En gl