3、英语听力由此入门,让您彻底告别“聋哑英语”。具体介绍:《英语初级听力》"Listen to This1"出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 编者:北京外国语大学 何其莘 王敏 金利民 俞涓 编 听力是英语教学中四项基本技能之一,也是中国学生的一个难点,突破这个难关不仅有助于其他单项技能的训练,同时也为培养学生的英语交际...
英语初级听力试题及答案 一、听句子,选择正确的图片。 1. What does the man have in his hand? A. A book B. An apple C. A pen 【答案】C 2. Where are they going? A. To the park B. To the cinema C. To the supermarket 【答案】A 3. What is the weather like today? A. Sunny B...
英语听力初级试题及答案 一、听句子,选择正确答案(每题1分,共5分) 1. A) Good morning. B) Good afternoon. C) Good evening. 答案:A 2. A) How are you? B) How old are you? C) How much is it? 答案:A 3. A) Can you help me? B) Can I help you? C) Do you need help? 答案...
英语初级听力教程 Lesson01 1- Hello, I want a cab.(出租车) — OK. What address is it? — 1120 East 32nd Street. — Right. The cab will be there in a few minutes. 2— Whats your job? — Im an accountant.(会计) — Oh! Do you enjoy it? — No. I dont really like it. Its...
欢迎收听由主播Maybeoo创作的【英语初级听力 北京外国语大学】,目前已更新41个节目,最新音频章节“36初级”。英语、语言、听力、大学、外语分类有声读物推荐,高清全集在线收听,小说完整版打包下载。
英语初级听力试题及答案 一、听句子,选出正确的答案(共5题,每题1分) 1. A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening. 听:Good morning, class. 答案:A 2. A. I'm fine. B. I'm tired. C. I'm hungry. 听:How are you? I'm fine, thank you. 答案:A 3. A. Yes, I do...
英语初级听力.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Lesson 1 Greetings Conversation A : At the Airport CHARLES: Mary! Mary Scott! CHARLES: Good morning. How are you? MARY: Fine, thanks. How are you? MARY: What are you doing here? MARY: Who is Martin Learner...
英语初级听力篇一:英语初级听力 (Listen To This 1)WORD文本英语初级听力( Listen To This 1)WORD 文本☆★→ 本套英语资料为我爱英语屋( QQ整理制作,愿能助您英语学习一臂之力 ←☆★ Preparatory Lesson One Section One: Numbers Dates Addresss A. Listen to the recording and write down what you ...
第二部分:听力答案 1.问题:What does the person need help with? -答案:A math problem 2.问题:Where are they going tomorrow? -答案:To the movies 3.问题:What time is the train scheduled to arrive? -答案:5:30 PM 以上是一份初级英语听力练习及答案的文档。希望对您的英语听力能力有所提升。©...