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英语值日报告dailyreport讲学.ppt,英语值日报告dailyreport讲学;Zeus: Zeus is the king of all gods, and rules the sky. He is in charge of lighting and thunder, and is also called the god of thunder. Zeus is a lenchy god and has many illegitimate children. He
英语值日报告daily reportppt Zeus:Zeusisthekingofallgods,andrulesthesky.Heisinchargeoflightingandthunder,andisalsocalledthegodofthunder.Zeusisalenchygodandhasmanyillegitimatechildren.Hecanbesymbolisedasanlanneret.宙斯(Zeus):万神之王,主管天空。希腊神话中的至高神,掌握雷电,所以又被称为雷神,性格极为...
英语值日报告.ppt,爱从这里开始。。。 Today,I will tell you a very moving story that about the animals of black bear Her name was 弗兰西,she was 30 years old.now,please let’s into their lives! Past them Their hometown---黑熊沟 But one day。。。熊
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英语课前值日报告,英语演讲稿3分钟,大学英语演讲稿范文,英语课值日生,英语值日报告,英语值日报告范文,英语值日报告ppt,初一英语值日报告,英语值日报告带翻译,英语值日生报告 The Greatest Game Ever Played 果岭争雄 The Greatest Game Ever Played is a 2005 biographical sports film based on the early life of ...
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