Head__Shoulders__Knees_And_Toes_by_Starfall 1201 2014-08 13 Hens_Are_Marching_by_Starfall 1019 2014-08 14 Hey_Diddle_Diddle_by_Starfall 901 2014-08 15 Hickory_Dickory_Dock_by_Starfall 955 2014-08 16 Humpty_Dumpty_by_Starfall
小朋友都是用一首搭配手势的儿歌去认识这个身体部位: Head shoulders knees and toes,大朋友发挥耻力在房间偷偷唱个两次这辈子就不会忘了喔这首经典老歌大部分的人也是献给父亲,在父亲的肩膀上才能看得更远。话说我常常担心在明后年的每日英语到了这些节庆该如何再找新东西,会不会担心的太远了?
04.Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes 05.Who Is Wearing Yellow Today 06.Colour Song 07.How Are You 08.Old MacDonald 家裏只有鴨子了 09.Hop Brown Squirrel (Hmm~不是你想象中那個hop) 10.Let's Have a Picnic Today 11.Noodle Noodle Dumpling 12.Ten Little Candles Dance 13.Happy Birthday To Yo...
哈利波特與青春期的魔法 (Harry Potter and the Magic of Puberty) 2K A1 初級 07:52 孩子們對80年代玩具的反應--TEDDY RUXPIN。 (KIDS REACT TO 80's TOYS - TEDDY RUXPIN) 442 B1 中級 02:56 頭肩膝膝和腳趾|第二部|童謠|高清版由LittleBabyBum提供。 (Head Shoulders Knees and Toes | Part...
(Head Shoulders Knees and Toes | Part 2 | Nursery Rhymes | HD Version from LittleBabyBum) 3K B1 中級 02:17 公車上的輪子|第6部|童謠|高清版來自LittleBabyBum (Wheels On The Bus | Part 6 | Nursery Rhymes | HD Version from LittleBabyBum) 1K A1 初級 01:51 玩具評測維基熊互動|...
head ,shoulders, knees and toes. 1.先用圖卡認識身體的部位(head ,shoulders, knees , toes.) 2.老師說出身體各部位的名稱請全班學生用手碰觸看看哪一位學生 動作最快? 3.請幾位小朋友上台比賽看誰動作最快? 4.演唱歌曲,head ,shoulders, knees and toes. ...
Wrists under shoulders 8、雙手放在膝蓋上: Bring your hands to your knees 9、雙手扶髖: Place your hands to the hips (九)頭:Head: 1、抬頭: Lift your head 2、眼睛看向大拇指: Gaze at the thumbs 3、頭頂著地: Place the crown of your head on the mat ...
(一)腳:Feet: 1、腳趾抬起來 Lift your toes 2、腳後跟往下踩 Press the heels down 3、腳趾張開 Spread your t...
3 You'll Be In My Heart 唱歌 4 Holidays 介紹假日 5 Self-intro, Family Tree, B-ball 介紹家族 6 Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes 唱歌 7 All I Ask of You 歌劇 8 Days and Months 介紹時節 9 Stomp Dance 舞蹈 10 Small World 合唱...
Head__Shoulders__Knees_And_Toes_by_Starfall 1201 2014-08 13 Hens_Are_Marching_by_Starfall 1019 2014-08 14 Hey_Diddle_Diddle_by_Starfall 901 2014-08 15 Hickory_Dickory_Dock_by_Starfall 955 2014-08 16 Humpty_Dumpty_by_Starfall