《英美文学简史及名篇选读》课后练习参考答案.pdf,《英美文学简史及名篇选读》单元练习参考答案 Exercises of Chapter I I. Fill in the following blanks. 1. Angles;Saxons; Jutes 2. Beowulf 3. French ;Latin; Old English II. Find the relevant match from Column B
英美文学简史及名篇选读pdf合集 外研社英美文学简史及名篇选读教学课件英国文学u1 英国文学 Old English Literature Lecture 1: Old English Literature (449-1066) I. Historical Background II. Old English Poetry III. Beowulf 1. Historical Background I.1 Old English period (449-1066) I.1.1 The early ...
02英语本科--英美文学简史及选读(二).pdf,02 英语本科--英美文学简史及选读(二) 答案 I. Define the following literary terms (20%) 1. Ballad/ popular ballad: the most important of English folk literature is the ballad. A ballad is a story told in song, usual
英国文学史及选读部分翻译 《贝奥武甫》是中世纪欧洲第一篇民族史诗,英国文学的开山之作。其主要内容是讲述高特王子贝奥武甫带领十二勇士来到丹麦王国,除去恶魔葛婪代及其母亲,为丹麦解除祸患赢得和平,得到荣誉和重赏后回到故土;后来贝奥武甫做了高特国王,没想到在五十年后,一条火龙扰乱了王国的安宁,贝奥武甫...
英美文学简史及名篇选读 [A Brief History & Selected Readings of English and American Literature] 高清PDF下载 英美文学简史及名篇选读 [A Brief History & Selected Readings of English and American Literature] txt下载 英美文学简史及名篇选读 [A Brief History & Selected Readings of English and American ...