1 《英美文学简史及名篇选读》 单元 练习参考答案 Exercises of Chapter I I. Fill in the following blanks. 1. Angles;Saxons; Jutes 2. Beowulf 3. French;Latin; Old English II. Find the relevant match from Column B for each item in Column A. 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.E 5. A III. Choose the...
《英美文学简史及名篇选读》课后练习参考答案.doc,PAGE PAGE 1 《英美文学简史及名篇选读》单元练习参考答案 Exercises of Chapter I I. Fill in the following blanks. 1. Angles;Saxons; Jutes 2. Beowulf 3. French;Latin; Old English II. Find the relevant match fr
《英美文学简史及名篇选读》单元练习参考答案 Exercises of Chapter I I. Fill in the following blanks. 1.Angles;Saxons; Jutes 2.Beowulf 3.French;Latin;OldEnglish II.Find the relevant match from Column B for each item in Column A. 1.D2.C3.B4.E5.A III.Choose the best answer for each ...
欧美文学名篇选读课后题答案失乐园 欧美文学名篇选读课后题答案失乐园 1、《埃涅阿斯纪》是欧洲文学史上最早由文人创作的:② ①诗歌 ②史诗 ③神话 ④戏剧 2、欧洲文学史上第一部文人史诗是:③①《伊利亚特》 ②《奥德赛》 ③《埃涅阿斯纪》 ④ 《神谱》 3、“不和的金苹果”最终被巴里斯判给了哪位女神?③ ①赫...
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《英美文学简史及名篇选读》课后练习参考答案.pdf,《英美文学简史及名篇选读》单元练习参考答案 Exercises of Chapter I I. Fill in the following blanks. 1. Angles;Saxons; Jutes 2. Beowulf 3. French ;Latin; Old English II. Find the relevant match from Column B
《英美文学简史及名篇选读》课后练习参考答案.doc,PAGE PAGE 1 《英美文学简史及名篇选读》单元练习参考答案 Exercises of Chapter I I. Fill in the following blanks. 1. Angles;Saxons; Jutes 2. Beowulf 3. French;Latin; Old English II. Find the relevant match fr