英短蓝猫,英文名:British Shorthair ,是一种受欢迎的猫品种,具有特殊的外观和性格特点。同时称为英国短毛猫,是 1871 年英国第一届有组织的猫展上展出的品种之一。当时,该品种被称为英国蓝,因为蓝色是该品种早期非常常见的颜色 - 猫咪大叔于20240813发布在抖音,已经
英国短毛猫,(拉丁学名Felinae,英文学名British Shorthair Cat)。 原产地:英国。 英国短毛猫被大家俗称为英短、蓝猫(不要与俄罗斯蓝猫搞混)。其体形圆胖,四肢粗短发达,被毛短而密,头大脸圆,温柔平静,对人友善,极易饲养。在英国本地很早就获得认可,1901年,还出现其猫种之理想形象。 它最初是一种体型相当大...
英短蓝猫的英文名叫British Shorthair Blue Cat 因为它的毛色是Blue grey,也就是我们看起来的“蓝”...
🌸被泛称为‘蓝猫’的实际上是指现在广受喜爱的‘蓝色的’英国短毛猫---British Shorthair(即英短)。 🍄而为什么要把英短称为‘蓝猫’呢? 🍃英短中的蓝色在英文中翻译为‘Blue’(实际上英短不仅只有蓝色,还有蓝白色,乳白色,蓝乳色,三花色,黑色,白色,红色,金色,银色等等)。英短中的蓝色发展历史较为悠...
英文回答: British Shorthair Blue Cats. The British Shorthair Blue is a popular cat breed known for its distinctive blue-gray coat and friendly demeanor. These cats have a sturdy build and a short, dense double coat that provides excellent insulation. Their eyes are typically copper or orange ...
英文回答: The British Shorthair Blue cat, also known as the British Blue, is a popular breed of cat known for its dense blue-gray coat and round face. It is a medium to large-sized cat with a sturdy build and a muscular body. The breed originated in the United Kingdom and is belie...
英文回答: The British Shorthair, also known as the English Short Hair, is a breed of domestic cat that is known for its dense and plush blue-grey coat. They are known for their round face, chubby cheeks, and copper eyes, which give them a sweet and gentle expression. These cats are ...
俄罗斯蓝猫(英文:Russian Blue),别名俄国蓝猫、阿契安吉蓝猫、马耳他猫,有“短毛种之贵族”和“冬之精灵”美誉。祖先起源于寒冷的西伯利亚地带,17世纪时随着船只被带到英国繁衍,第二次世界大战期间险些绝种。 俄罗斯蓝猫体型细长,大而直立的尖耳朵,脚掌小而圆,走路像是用脚尖在走。眼睛是绿色的,刚出生时是蓝色的(...
英文回答: British Shorthair Blue Cats. The British Shorthair Blue is a popular cat breed known for its distinctive blue-gray coat and friendly demeanor. These cats have a sturdy build and a short, dense double coat that provides excellent insulation. Their eyes are typically copper or orange ...