非谓语动词经典例句(英汉对照) 1.中国是一个发展中国家,属于第三世界 China is adevelopingcountry,belonging tothe Third World. 2.没有士兵在操练。 There are no soldiersdrilling. 3.学走路的孩子常跌脚 A childlearning to walkoften falls. 4.在这里干活的人都来自农村。 The men working here are all...
英语翻译句库句型:英汉对照例句集 11979年是我儿子出生的一年。 1979wastheyearwhenmysonwasborn. 2一滴雨点儿落在我手上。 Adropofrainfellonmyhand. 3他们中间有几个人懂英语。 AfewofthemknowEnglish. 4开始刮东南风。 Asoutheastwindwasblowing.
7.more sleep in old age, however, is associated with better health, and most older people would feel better and more alert if they slept for longer periods, he said. 他说,晚年多睡仍然与更好的健康状况相关,大多数老年人如果睡得更久,会感觉更好,更精神。 8.there is, however, responsibility ...
) Country(国家) - Foreign country(外国) - Home country(祖国) - China is a large and diverse country.(中国是一个广阔多样的国家。) Age(年龄) - Young age(年幼) - Middle age(中年) - She is at the age of 25.(她今年25岁。) Dream(梦想) - Chase a dream(追逐梦想) - Fulfill one's...
2020年BEC商务英语考试英汉对照例句(19) Unit Nineteen 保险 Part One 531. Please insure for us these products at invoice value plus 10% ( at 110% of the invoice value). 请给我们这批货物在发票金额上加10%的保险(即发票金额为110%) 532.We’d like to cover our ordered goods against WPA for...
英汉双语对照 交易完成的双语例句如下:1.The transaction has been completed successfully.交易已成功完成。2.We have finalized the deal.我们已经完成了交易。3.The purchase has been confirmed.购买已确认。4.The transaction is now closed.交易现已结束。5.All payments have been processed.所有付款已处理完毕...
请把英汉对照的例句,再加上呗!为什么删掉啊?有了那个整句学习特别有效!!!记忆也特别快!! 2016-0931 向阳_s4 回复 @白云深处1: You can say that again! 2016-09赞 回复@白云深处1 表情0/300发表评论 其他回复(1) 向阳_s4 You can say that again! 2016-09回复赞 其他用户评论 冰冰619 You can say ...
英汉词汇所附着的文化意义的不对等导致许多英汉词汇意义的不对等,包括其功能意义、范畴、联想意义、情感意义、使用频率等方面的不对等,这将在跨文化交际中引起障碍。 更多例句>> 6) Chinese vocabulary system 汉语词汇系统 1. Influence of quasi-affixes on contemporary Chinese vocabulary system; 汉语类词缀对当...