Hare ran past Tortoise. Slow coach!结果,兔子不一会儿就跑过了乌龟。还嘲笑乌龟说:“迟钝的东西。”Hare had time to eat. Hare had time to play.兔子还有时间 吃东西。还有时间玩耍。Hare had time to snooze... He fell asleep among the cabbages. Tortoise slowly plodded past.吃完玩儿完之后,兔子...
One morning,the hare saw the tortoise nearby.He was crawling slowly.The rabbit wanted to make fun of him.So she jumped toward the tortoise and said,"Tortoise,why don't we have a race?" 一个早晨,兔子看到了乌龟。他正在缓慢爬行。...
Soon, the Hare and the Tortoise were at the START line. 很快,兔子和乌龟就到了起跑线上。 The Frog rang the bell, and the race began. The Hare took off like a rocket! He ran past the Tortoise and called, “Good-bye, Tortoi...
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《The Hare and the Tortoise 龟兔赛跑 儿童启蒙英文绘本 送音频》,作者:The Hare and the Tortoise 龟兔赛跑 儿童启蒙英文绘本 送音频兔子和乌龟 著,出版社:兔子和乌龟,ISBN:9780091816971。