a玛格丽特•米切尔的长篇巨著《乱世佳人》是美国小说史上的最经典的爱情巨著之一,是一部不朽的现实主义杰作。 Marguerite•Mitcher's lengthy work "Tumultuous times Beautiful woman" is one of in American novel history most classical love works, is an immortal realism masterpiece.[translate]...
玛格丽特•米切尔的长篇巨著《乱世佳人》是美国小说史上的最经典的爱情巨著之一,是一部不朽的现实主义杰作。5个回答 The full-length masterpiece of Margaret Mitchell's "Gone with the Wind" is a masterpiece of the American novel in the history of the most classic love one is an immortal masterpiece...
a占据了过多的空间 Occupied excessively many spaces [translate] a玛格丽特•米切尔的长篇巨著《乱世佳人》是美国小说史上的最经典的爱情巨著之一, Marguerite•Mitcher's lengthy work "Tumultuous times Beautiful woman" is one of in American novel history most classical love works, [translate] ...
《海底两万里》(Vingt mille lieues sous les mers)是法国作家儒勒·凡尔纳创作的长篇小说,是“凡尔纳三部曲”(另两部为《格兰特船长的儿女》和《神秘岛》)的第二部。全书共2卷47章。该小说主要讲述了博物学家和生物学家阿龙纳斯、其仆人康塞尔和鱼叉手尼德·兰一起随鹦鹉螺号潜艇船长尼摩周游海底的故事。在法国,...