牛津词典 NEW 高考讲解 {{item.part || '释义'}} {{mean+($index==item.means.length-1?'':';')}} 复数: {{baseinfo.exchange.word_pl[0]}} 过去式: {{baseinfo.exchange.word_past[0]}} 比较级: {{baseinfo.exchange.word_er[0]}} 最高级: {{baseinfo.exchange.word_est[0]}}...
The OED is the definitive record of the English language, featuring 600,000 words, 3 million quotations, and over 1,000 years of English.
牛津词典 adj. adv. noun [only before noun] 全面的;综合的;总体的 including all the things or people that are involved in a particular situation; general the person with overall responsibility for the project 全面负责本项目的人 There will be winners in each of three age groups, and one overa...
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牛津常用3000词词汇表 punish punch pull publishing publish publicly publicity publication public pub pt prize privately private prisoner prison priority prior printing printer print principle princess prince Prime Minister primary primarily priest pride premise pant price previously previous prevent pretty pretend...
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牛津词典多少钱一本? 来自互联网 4. The OED is the definitive work on the history and usage of English. 牛津词典是英文历史及用法的权威著作。 来自互联网 5. Probably not; good as it is, the Big Oxford's traditional market is institutions and specialists. 不大可能,尽管很好,大牛津词典的传...
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英语(牛津上海版)高中二年级第二学期词汇表 do one's part vigilant process sort appropriate carton take the lead substance leak stink take up landfill end up cardboard transport wrapper tube make up publicize pro-environment hold publicity global remarkably alternative unique recycle refill limitation imm...