用英语介绍一件衣服5句话 This dress is beautiful with a flowing, delicate fabric and intricate embroidery. It has a stunning design that would be perfect for a special occasion or a more comfortable everyday dress. The fabric is soft and柔软, and the dress is easy to clean. It also has ...
天冷了,介绍三种常见衣服的英文: 1.hoodie(连帽卫衣) 2.sweatshirt(圆领卫衣) 3.cardigan(羊毛开衫)让别人“多穿点”,英文怎么说: 1. Bundle yourself up! 2. Wrap yourself up! 3. Layer up! 4. Keep y...
1. My wardrobe is white with a glass door, and it features a charming painting of little boys and girls frolicking on the meadow.2. Opening the wardrobe, I am greeted by a splendid array of clothing, meticulously organized.3. Amongst the collection, there is a crisp white shir...
介绍衣服英文作文 Title: Introduction to Clothing。 Clothing is an essential aspect of human life, serving not only as a basic necessity for covering the body but also as a means of expressing individuality, culture, and social status. In this essay, we will delve into the diverse world of ...
英文介绍各种衣服的作文 "English:" When it comes to clothing, there's an infinite variety to explore, each with its unique characteristics and purposes. Let's dive into the world of garments and unravel their essence. First off, let's talk about the quintessential piece of clothing the T-...
衣服简介 在polo衫问世之前,打网球是穿着传统衬衫、连袜裤并打上领带的。后来由Polo Ralph Lauren推出的款式大受欢迎成为定番,并借此将此衣型引介到马球界和其他运动界以至休闲穿着,才因此叫做Polo衫。后来又推广到高尔夫球及其他运动项目以至休闲穿着,所以也称为高尔夫球衫(golf shirt),大多数人经常单由字...
在一个偶然的机会下,Bonwit Teller(纽约一家最高档案商店这副总裁)发现了出自Calvin Klein先生手笔的衣服。事实上,当Calvin Klein先生得知这位副总裁要看他的设计时,特地将衣服挂在衣架上,以免弄出了皱摺,并亲自推着衣架车穿过曼哈顿,把衣服送到她的办公室。而她即时就签了一份价值50,000美元的订单,并且...